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Updated May 02, 2003 by mrbiotech

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Comment #1 Saturday, May 3, 2003 1:43 AM
nice work! very different. I like it a lot
Comment #2 Saturday, May 3, 2003 1:47 AM
WOW excellent !
Comment #3 Saturday, May 3, 2003 2:38 PM
Thank you kindly, dredd67 & SooperTool! Quite a fun program to skin.
The Russian
Comment #4 Saturday, May 3, 2003 4:01 PM
it looks positively great, the best on my lst, btu i cant get it to load
Comment #5 Saturday, May 3, 2003 9:48 PM
Hmm having som problems making it work with XP, only partial dials showing.
Comment #6 Sunday, May 4, 2003 12:37 PM
Comment #7 Monday, May 5, 2003 3:29 AM
I wish I could offer more assistance with the XP problem, but alas, I am a Win2000Pro user. Any suggestions for Suilung?

TheRussian - you've got Sysmetrix v2.0, right?

DuoPixels - your works are sacred in my house!
Comment #8 Monday, May 5, 2003 4:17 AM
Looks good and I can't get it run. I even downloaded sysmetrix 2.0 and still have the same problems. Also running XP.
Comment #9 Monday, May 5, 2003 10:49 AM
for those having problems, make sure that the folder this skin is in has the *exact* same name as the main background graphic. You can also go into the configuration>theme settings and browse for the skins main background graphic. That usually clears up most things. Very nice job btw Mrbiotech

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Comment #10 Monday, May 5, 2003 3:24 PM
wow... I so can't wait for you to release the next skin of this theme!! it's so well done
Comment #11 Monday, May 5, 2003 7:00 PM
nice work. I can't wait to see the LS theme.
Comment #12 Monday, May 5, 2003 10:08 PM
Renaming the folder made it work, thanks.
Comment #13 Tuesday, May 6, 2003 12:44 AM
Thanks, werewolf, for your timely and excellent advice! And thanks everyone for the kind compliments; it really provides an impetus to create more skins!

Comment #14 Tuesday, May 6, 2003 6:52 AM
nice work wonder if you're planning an upside down version so it looks better at the top of my screen??
Comment #15 Tuesday, May 6, 2003 9:54 AM
heck, this would look really nice on the edge of the screen too
Comment #16 Tuesday, May 6, 2003 10:48 AM
Your skin made me look at litestep for the first time. Is it compatible with WB? Can both programs be installed on the same system without conflicts? I remember when I tried installing WB and Aston on the same system and I had a nightmare. So, you can guess which program I choose. Wb's seems to use the current shell. Aston changes the shell completely and it was so unstable. Does litestep use the current shell?
Comment #17 Tuesday, May 6, 2003 9:53 PM
ChasUGC- install a shell-manager with crash protection before the shells, just as a safety measure (here's an excellent one: ). I've never had any problems running WB and ObjectBar with LiteStep, although DesktopX requires the explorer shell. Aston and LiteStep are both alternate shells, supplanting explorer. Hope you enjoy (& check out the litestep sites for excellent help, too ).

Werewolf and pinchecl- great ideas with the alternate versions, I'll give it a pop!
Comment #18 Thursday, May 8, 2003 9:44 PM
Thank you for the information Mrbiotech. I went to Windowblinds because I was tired of the unstable crashing that occurred with these shell replacements. I hope that you will make a WB Skin for this sysmetrix. With DesktopX and Windowblinds I don't get the crashes as I did with the shell replacers. And, WB and DX just keep getting faster and more stable. And, the themes are awesome. I saw some of your litestep skins and they looked really nice. Hopefully, they will be ported over to WB because I think I'll stay away from those shell replacements. Windows is unstable enough as it is. Very nice sysmetrix by the way, and thank you for answering my question. LOL
Comment #19 Monday, May 12, 2003 12:11 AM
Great info werewolf, solved my problem...working great now.
Comment #20 Friday, May 30, 2003 8:59 PM
that looks great... although the bottom of my screen is taken up.... do you think you can make a vertical version of it to fit on the right side? if you could, that would be great. i love the colors and the design though!!!

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