P99 Colorpack
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P99 Colorpack

Updated Nov 29, 2003 by pinchecl

Comment #1 Sunday, October 12, 2003 10:21 PM
Yay, ruby! I really like the analog meters. Very well done. Now snapsnap I need a vertical one in this style and I don't have all day!
Comment #2 Monday, October 13, 2003 1:24 AM
lol @ insekta ... snap snap P!
Comment #3 Monday, October 13, 2003 2:46 AM
Thank you Mr. Color Pack. May I call you CP for short? Excellent skins, colors, Rainlendars! What other great creations do you have in store for us? I surely hope that Sysmetrix and Rainlendar don't have a limit on the number of skins you can have in your folder 'cause I'd be hard pressed to decide which ones I would have to delete!
Comment #4 Monday, October 13, 2003 8:51 AM
I just zoomed on these skins..and im like whhhhhooa..them things are shweeeet..these are some excellent very well made skins..and the various colors..of the chain..keep em coming P...and hows the wb skinning coming along
Comment #5 Tuesday, October 14, 2003 7:05 AM
thanks people. wb is going fine thank you but may take few more weeks. Last couple of days I was away so nothing done. try to get on with it......

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