Winter Roses
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Winter Roses

Updated Nov 27, 2003 by chucksgal

Comment #1 Thursday, November 13, 2003 9:21 AM
This is great.
Comment #2 Thursday, November 13, 2003 9:22 AM
I really like this one. Well done.
Comment #3 Thursday, November 13, 2003 9:58 AM
i really like this 1, its different from all the others.
Comment #4 Thursday, November 13, 2003 10:13 PM
Thank you soo much starone, WOM, and willy_wonka ! I am so glad you liked this one. It is also my favorite of my works...I am starting to learn, long ways to go...but maybe atleast, I am going the right direction!
Lady D
Comment #5 Saturday, November 15, 2003 6:31 AM
I love this wallpaper,PLEASE do more lots more,there just isn't enough out there for people like me who love the romance images LOL
Comment #6 Saturday, November 15, 2003 1:08 PM
This is Wonderful, I am a fan of your's. Yes, please do more like this.
Comment #7 Saturday, November 15, 2003 3:41 PM
Thank you so much Darco and Lady inspire me to want to do more! I will definately work on some nice to finally have fans!!!
Comment #8 Saturday, November 15, 2003 9:02 PM
Hmm, I have mixed feelings about this. It's a pretty variation, but the original ( )is so wonderful I'm not sure it should be tampered with. At least, I think you should have referenced J.W. Waterhouse, who did the original painting. OTOH, maybe I'm just being too picky.

Comment #9 Saturday, November 15, 2003 9:45 PM
No, ravinwulf; You are not being too picky! I am soo glad that you brought this to my attention! I have NEVER seen this painting before! I actually got the image of the woman from a paintshop pro brush website! But the original artists should have full credit for their beautiful original works! Sooo...original credit goes to J.W. Waterhouse for the original image...Thank you for pointing this out for me and for the link!
Comment #10 Sunday, November 16, 2003 11:21 PM
While I am very impressed with the work you've done and your talent. And you do have wonderful talent for romance works, But I too have mixed feelings...

As someone who's holds mad respect for the historic artist, John William Waterhouse. I can't help but feel that it shouldn't have been tampered with, Not like this anyway, I could have understood including it in a photo manip that retains it's natural body, but this takes out most of the original painting. I can understand creating a wall of the famous paintings, for the avid Waterhouse fan but...

One wouldn't distort a Picasso?... Let alone an artist of the of mid to late 1800's, Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood, associate of the Royal Academy,and so much more. But I know I AM too picky when it comes to working with historical paintings. And I apologize if I offended in anyway.
Comment #11 Sunday, November 16, 2003 11:36 PM
Lady Akasha:
Please don't feel as if you have offended me, you haven't at all..but as I told ravinwulf, I had never seen the painting until he gave me the link for it, I actually found this on a brush site, the female figure, the rest of the painting was not in the brush, I though the site had created it as it is, and I mouse painted whatever colors there are in it now. Thank you very much for thinking that I do have talent, it is a great compiment coming from you as I very much admire your works as well. Perhaps out of respect I should remove this work and I do find it sad that the brush site did not credit the original artist. I suppose one cannot take any thing found on the 'net' for granted. Please let me know as I have great respect for you and others on this site as well as the great masters of the past and present.
Comment #12 Monday, November 17, 2003 10:19 PM
Oh sweetie, no no no... please DO NOT remove it. Don't you dare do such a thing. You put a lot of work into this, it'd be a shame!

As you said, you simply took a brush from a site, you had no idea. You did nothing wrong, at all! And I only noticed it, because I'm a Waterhouse nut.
But please please do not remove it! Promise? I would feel terrible if you did (

Comment #13 Tuesday, November 18, 2003 12:37 AM
Thank you Lady Akasha;
I wasn't sure how deep copyrights go and I definately do not want to violate them, I am pretty new at this stuff. I also have a page (under the same name) at Deviant Art. I won't remove it if you think that I am safe in not offending or violating anyones elses rights. I would never want to make you feel badly, that's certainly not my intention. I am pretty nervous about copyrights as I do use alot of premade brushes. Thank you for responding so quickly.
Comment #14 Wednesday, November 19, 2003 2:39 AM
Incase anyone is interested in seeing the brush I downloaded for this artwork, here is the link: It is down on the page a little bit, called waterhouse ladies...Now that I know who Waterhouse is...what a great artist!
Comment #15 Thursday, December 4, 2003 8:19 AM
No problems with this one...
Comment #16 Thursday, December 4, 2003 1:33 PM
Thank you sooooo much, Jafo! I am so glad that has been cleared up! I do try to be so careful! And thank you for the wonderful rating on this!
Comment #17 Friday, December 10, 2004 8:11 AM
Comment #18 Thursday, December 23, 2004 6:52 PM
Thank you so very much butch123!!

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