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Updated May 16, 2004 by eval871673

Comment #1 Thursday, May 20, 2004 12:51 PM
This has the beginnings of an interesting abstract. When you download it, the backgroungd that is magnified has a really nice look to it, and so does the lower right part of the object that isn't magnified.
In my opinion,the object itself does not look good magnified, it lost something when you did that. Just my opinion, and perhaps without the caffeine you could do better!
Comment #2 Saturday, May 22, 2004 12:48 PM
really nice, i like it verry much
Comment #3 Monday, May 24, 2004 2:35 PM
just let me say that there are well known artist that do stuff that no-1 ever can figure out what it's supposed to beletting it take on what the veiwer sees is what bein' an artist is all about,or at least for myself!i think you titled it correct w/ the curves b/c in my opinion this piece has a strange sex appeal
Comment #4 Sunday, June 27, 2004 8:43 PM
i thinl this great!!
but i noticed u said u have alot of time.therefor u no what u r do-n.i was wandering if u could tell me what programs i could use to do something of this magnitude.


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