Alien Egg
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Alien Egg

Updated May 31, 2004 by lusciousbeast

Comment #1 Monday, May 31, 2004 10:54 PM
How about next time you make a wall, don't include either a 3d-sphere (or any kind) or an endless plane of water...

How does this stuff get past moderation?
Comment #2 Monday, May 31, 2004 11:34 PM
man thats great. I like your honesty. keep them coming.
Comment #3 Tuesday, June 1, 2004 2:18 AM
"Citizen Igitasch":
It gets past moderation not because you think this wallpaper stinks or because others think it stinks [if that were the case].. It gets by moderation because not everyone's a graphics expert like you which means this wallpaper certainly has a definite appeal to many, EVEN THOUGH you do not like it.
It gets by moderation because of a DEMAND - there's obviously a demand for this and just because uber-specialists like yourself dislike it, doesn't mean the wallpaper itself is crap. It's all relative, isn't it? If you had never used a computer before, or were quite new - this wall would impress you, correct?.... Having said that, do you REALLY think the majority of the users who download these walls are those from Industrial Light & Magic?

I just wish people would QUIT over-analyzing wallpapers, determining in their own mind just how long a wallpaper must have taken or what filters were used or what tutorials might have been implemented during the creation [heaven forbid someone should want to LEARN more of their given crafts..
] but instead judge the result. In other words, quit trying to de-validate a work because of "what might have happened" to make it - but by what it looks like NOW.

Look at a wall's general composition, layout, color[s] used and ask yourself... "Would this wallpaper appeal to others? What does it offer? Is it fresh? New? Is it overly cluttery? Am I [most importantly] proud of it?"... This wallpaper here answers 99% of those questions in the affirmative.
..Besides, if lusciousbeast starts making wallpapers as YOU want them to be they become YOUR art and no longer LB's - my advice is don't bother offering your snide snippets of so-called advice unless you can be constructive with it and present it in a less abrasive fashion.

I like this wallpaper - Leave it as is, ok?

PS: Checked out your high priced Geocities site Citizen Igitasch - you may want to take some of your own advice before opening your mouth again.
Comment #4 Tuesday, June 1, 2004 2:29 AM
Igitasch has a point there luscious, you should try doing something original... like radioactive symbols.
Comment #5 Tuesday, June 1, 2004 4:33 AM
To be honest, I think he's jealous about other peoples work. He's not as good as other people at making wallpapers so he has to criticize them. SpyderbyteGraphX�is right you know, it does take a lot of time and effort to develop these wallpapers. My wallpaper is just above this 1 and he said "How does totaly cliched stuff like this get accepted?" is that you hobby, snooping about on wincustomize to criticize other peoples work? you should get out more.

lusciousbeast, I think this wallpaper is great, thx a lot for it
Comment #6 Tuesday, June 1, 2004 9:51 AM
WOW! Thanks everyone for your support.Igitasch just is frustrated, or something. Thanks everyone for the comments.
Comment #7 Wednesday, June 2, 2004 7:06 PM gets on the same way that your works get on. Think about that....and think about how your comment insults both this work, the site admins and your own work....
Comment #8 Monday, June 7, 2004 7:19 PM
I gave up wondering what will work to get on here... i see everything on here... well mostly everything. So it doesn't phase me.. it just seems like they're being as fair as possible ANYHOO... this isn't all that bad, at least its not ALL chrome! LOL I like the lght cracking the egg. Props for the Alien Theme... now Sigourney just needs to be in there somewhere.... oh oh i know i just thought what if you put more eggs (smaller ones) around the large one.. that be fun..
Comment #9 Thursday, June 17, 2004 6:37 PM
itz ok i just dont like the stuff on the egg it wouldve ben better w/o da shapes

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