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Updated Sep 08, 2004 by sergionm

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Jason Asman
Comment #1 Wednesday, September 8, 2004 4:07 PM
oh err freaky
if you like that kind of thing
Comment #2 Wednesday, September 8, 2004 6:37 PM
There is something quite pathologic about this 'creation'. I would suggest you examine your feelings with regard to females.
I also don't feel this work is appropriate in this forum
Comment #3 Thursday, September 9, 2004 1:16 AM
only a serial murderer would even consider making such a thing... and i agree with Dr. J, this is not appropriate
Comment #4 Thursday, September 9, 2004 1:46 AM
I like it very much. I wouldn't have it as my wallpaper as it's a bit too "busy", but I like it all the same. You should check out the work of a friend of mine Or


Comment #5 Thursday, September 9, 2004 1:47 AM
Give me a break. We should be grateful that someone actually has the ingenuity to come up with such a creative pice that isn't that stand sci-fi CG wallpaper. Ever think that the autor isn't trying to represent violence but maybe a flaw in the female character? bravo for your vision sergionm. Not to mention that an image like this must have taken considerable time to create. Keep up the good work.
Comment #6 Thursday, September 9, 2004 1:48 AM
""this is not appropriate""

for YOU. There's nothing fundamentally wrong with this picture. Sometimes, just sometimes images and what you see are meant to be metaphorical, or, in some cases, mean just the opposite of what you see. This is the magic of art like this - there's many perspectives to look at it from and often times what you feel a piece is about ifs totally wrong or different from the artist's vision.
In my opinion, if you don't like it Don't look. I think it's incredible and it's nice to see someone making art-wallpapers rather than blue orbs on a blank canvas like all of my work.

Thanks for uploading mate. Well done.
Comment #7 Thursday, September 9, 2004 1:58 AM
Hmm... I must be looking at it wrong. It looks like an artsy puppet to me. Reminds me of a few 'Tool' music videos. Don't see anything offensive at all.

Nice work.
LiMe Y2K
Comment #8 Thursday, September 9, 2004 5:11 AM
Hey whatever floats your boat i guess, I would say it takes a disturbed mind to create anything like this, Takes even a more disturbed one to have this for your Wallpaper.
Comment #9 Thursday, September 9, 2004 5:24 AM
Sorry, Spiderbyte. "Inappropriate" stays. There's something really wrong with violence/suggested violence towards other peopls. If you can't see that, you're in trouble. There's NO relativism hin this issue. Violence is wrong.Violence towards females is wrong. Wrong is wrong. Get the logic? If violence floats your boat, or dismembered female puppets do, GET HELP. Simple message.
Comment #10 Thursday, September 9, 2004 6:17 AM
I make excuses myself for not good English. I did not want to annoy
with this image the pure spirits.
Perhaps who has badly interpreted the image does not succeed not to
understand the contemporary art.
One of the functions of the contemporary art is debit a message to the times hard.
in order to make to understand as far as the times the life is
problematic, I have intentional to represent in this image the hard condition of the women in sure countries and as often they come used.
How much background for the computer has had the possibility makes to think you?

Comment #11 Thursday, September 9, 2004 6:21 AM
You do not stop yourselves to the surface of the things, an artistic job, in this case an image, goes seen from various angles-shot.

Comment #12 Thursday, September 9, 2004 9:48 AM
Sorry guys. I would posit that those who look at this art and see only violence towards women are the ones who are thinking "inappropriately". It would seem to me that this is something that can be taken on many levels, and I personally never did see it as depicting violence towards anyone. If that is all you see perhaps it is time to re-evaluate your priorities.

sergionm-great work.
Comment #13 Thursday, September 9, 2004 12:05 PM
Segionm: Great Work.

Everyone Eho Thinks This Is Inappropriate: Go read a "classic novel" not meant for children (1984, Brave New Worlds, Lord of the Flies, Lord of the Rings, for chrissake). Then tell me exactly what "inappropriate" means. I think you've all beeen brainwashed by society and by those women with placards. Just go away. This work is incredible. You try and tell me Van Gogh (ya know, the great Dutch painter) wasn't disturbed, and I'll slap you from side to side.

Remember: genius and "conformity" hate the hell out of each other...
Comment #14 Thursday, September 9, 2004 2:13 PM
And I suppose that the red stains in the background are to protest the tough conditions the color red has to endure these days? The violence is obvious...look how the right foearm ends! How long can you debate the obvious?
INAPPROPRIATE STAYS. It means that the subject matter is not compatible with the forum. Say what you wish, but the violence (results of it) are obvious.
Oh, and Van Gogh was disturbed. BUT, he didn't dismember females in his, mixed metaphors as usual, don't work.
This desktop has the overtones of an abbatoir.
THAT is inappropriate.
Comment #15 Thursday, September 9, 2004 2:41 PM
you see how much is important to realize sure jobs?
never one has discussed about ethics and moral observing sure jobs on this web site?

this image must wake up the consciences

Comment #16 Thursday, September 9, 2004 11:04 PM
Anyone who believes that abstracion of the human form needs to brush up on their history lessons. You might find out that a kid name Picasso is world renowed for his artistic license and how he showed emotion through abstracion. Maybe even look at the work of Salvador Dali, or Frida Kahlo (which depicts twin sisters, with ones heart removed and set on the others lap) and you will see that art can come in other forms than pretty backdrops or cg rendered designs. Sergionm obviously has much artistic talent to create a work like this. If he wanted to depict a violent scene, he could have done a much better job.
Comment #17 Friday, September 10, 2004 1:37 AM
It's great. You sensitive types want to see some really weird stuff (but beautiful and eerie nontheless), check out

Well done sergionm. Respect.

Comment #18 Sunday, September 12, 2004 12:53 AM
whoooah! I think that this is an amazing work of art. I am female and don't find it to be a violent depiction at all. I actually relate to it. There are times when I myself feel as though I am falling apart at the seams. I think that this is a great interpretation of the trouble some people have in their lives. I look at this and see someone broken metaphorically, not someone dismembered out of hate and viloence. There are much more in depth ways to depict hate, this is not one. This seems to depict pain and sympathy. Get a life Dr.J, look beyond what there is (parts of a woman) and see what it means. Not all is literal.
Comment #19 Sunday, September 19, 2004 7:48 AM
What a discussion about a wallpaper! But I think that this is no expression from a violent soul. It could mean that women are often used as "puppets" in the tv (the head of the puppet looks like a tv...or?!) and so this is only one interpretation of this wallpaper. Anyway...Great work!

Comment #20 Tuesday, September 21, 2004 9:46 PM
Thank you sergionm for sharing your impression with us.

My 12 year old daughter was bored one afternoon. I sat a piece of paper in front of her... she said what am I supposed to do with that? Its just a piece of paper! My 6 yr old asked if she didn't want it could she have it. My office desk is now decorated with a very cool paper Crane!

Just a piece of paper... or what ever your mind can perseive.

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