prodigy wallpaper
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prodigy wallpaper

Updated May 29, 2001 by barao

Comment #1 Friday, August 10, 2001 5:09 PM
Great wallpaper for dual monitores
Comment #2 Friday, November 1, 2002 11:52 PM
I like it, but isn't it just a scan out of the CD booklet?
Comment #3 Friday, October 31, 2003 7:04 PM
Yes it is a scan i do not draw this, everybody knows that..
i scan change the color som HUE & SATURATION effects and
put it in the screen format.

just that relax!
Comment #4 Saturday, January 21, 2012 2:35 AM

[[This is a wallpaper that i made, based on the prodigy cd, named " the fat of the land "]] [[Yes it is a scan i do not draw this, everybody knows that..]]

Then you didn't MAKE it BASED on their cd, did you? You SCANNED it right out of the CD INSERT. Doing so is fine but note respects, don't claim as your own work

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