EnneaTech-world creation
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EnneaTech-world creation

Updated Aug 01, 2005 by 1ph8

Comment #1 Thursday, August 4, 2005 1:30 AM
uh... what?
Comment #2 Sunday, August 7, 2005 4:55 PM
I like the concept of thinking in three dimensions, yet i strongly prefer to think on plain two dimensions. Human brain is designed to function in a simple manner to more complex thinking patterns. We have the capability to think in two dimensions and combine them in order to create in three,therefor no need for three dimensional thinking,which is more tiring and complex. Rated:4-Stars.
Comment #3 Tuesday, August 9, 2005 7:21 PM
There should be a structure, or one might say a hierarchy, within the mind; the mind ought not to be flat as it usually is. in the ordinary state of people, everything in the mind is of one level and it cannot see itself in that state. But the true property of the human mind is to be a world, to be a cosmos, to have a structure and in that structure there is a point where the consciousness is focused and there is also a plane on which our experience is projected. Between these two are varios possibililties of action, of making connections. Judgement, selection, decision, and so on are all possible if the minds takes, as it were, three dimensions instead of being flat. The ordinary state of mind just has not got this sort of vertical dimension in it, something that is ordinarily lost in your mental activity arises from that mental activity and is able to look at it. One is moving and the other is still. The true state of the mind is to have a still point not involved in the activitiy; then it is possible to see, to judge, to act, to decide, and so on. To be able topreserve this stillness in the midst of activity is an acquired quality.
Comment #4 Tuesday, August 9, 2005 7:25 PM
(Rocket Propelled Grenade?)

Here's a better explaination of the picture:

The Enneagram is an ancient esoteric symbol, possibly pre-antedilivian, but at least from early Sumer or Scythia. Here it is seen combined with my vision of Beck and Cowan's Spiral Dynamics as popularized by Ken Wilber.

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