HFN Dream Vista
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HFN Dream Vista

Updated Jun 01, 2007 by farid nafar

Comment #1 Friday, June 1, 2007 11:17 AM
Okay, that was a waste of time. I wish I had known what size these were before d/ling them but I probably should have guessed from the filesize. It would be nice if folks let us know what size the walls they upload are so that those of us with widescreens don't bother downloading walls that won't render well into the size we need.

Having said that ....

Those are nice walls ....
Bebi Bulma
Comment #2 Friday, June 1, 2007 7:18 PM
Sigh....does anyone use 1024x768 anymore? And why is it called Vista when it's not even hi-res? I really wish skinners would put the resolution in the skin description...

All that aside, these really are beautiful wallpapers, any chance for true hi-res, at least 1280x1024 and up?
Comment #3 Friday, June 1, 2007 8:19 PM
Sigh....does anyone use 1024x768 anymore?

I must be in the minority Having an older xp cp. But on to the wall...They are a very nice pack. I do like the darder version the best. Thank You���

farid nafar
Comment #4 Saturday, June 2, 2007 3:03 AM
Dear friends,

The walls are in 1280x960 res.
The preview is in 1024x768... I think U didn't DL the pack at all when U talked about 1024...

& I think 1280x960 is not so small to use.. is it..?

although you can use stretch option at applying form and then u can use it for 1280x1024 clearly, that i test myself...

But I should mentioned the pack resolution. Sorry!
& thank U for choosing my skin and telling me your comments!
Comment #5 Saturday, June 2, 2007 6:52 AM
Actually, the 'Dark' version included in the zip is 1024 ... which is the only one I had looked at when I made my last comment.

farid nafar
Comment #6 Saturday, June 2, 2007 1:03 PM
It is inadvertent.... sorry.... I fixed it!

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