Experience Vortex
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Experience Vortex

Updated Oct 16, 2002 by RealOne

Comment #1 Thursday, October 17, 2002 11:33 AM
Interested abstract piece, seems a little too random without any meaning other than to display various filters and effects in Photoshop.

Maybe if there was more meaning and purpose to the image it would become more of a virtual 'sculpture' then a swirls mass of filters.

I do like the colour though... a dark purple, fading to black in some parts.

Hmmm... I like it could use some work to give it more structure and purpose, but other than that and just purely as an abstract piece it's not tooo bad.

Thanks for sharing with us
Comment #2 Tuesday, December 30, 2003 11:46 PM
hmm this is an interesting piece of art. i like that colors, but i aint a fan of the effects u used here.looks to meshed and scattered for my taste, but that is me. nice work tho dude

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