purple octopus
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purple octopus

Updated Jul 17, 2001 by dr_ocan

Comment #1 Thursday, July 19, 2001 3:19 AM
don't listen to the fool that has posted the below comment!!!!....he hasn't even uploaded any work of his own!!!

I like your style....it's different, i'll say that...and that's what i like about it.

keep on making and uploading your work, and above all keep enjoying your artwork....that's what really matters.
Comment #2 Thursday, July 19, 2001 4:52 AM
bad comment deleted now
people have different style, we are here to pleased everyone's taste and words like Yossarian saids are not tollerable here.
Comment #3 Thursday, July 19, 2001 6:09 AM
some words from me, its a man in tbe web, he wonts me to burn to death and will kill me. He used some nicks at some websites, so is this world.

But i can only "lachen �ber diesen Kleingeist".

Comment #4 Thursday, July 19, 2001 2:05 PM
Hmmm... seems like you are running out of words..?
Me to, but for a different reason.
It sounds as if you are a real victim, but somehow I would say you are the perpetrator...
You shouldn�t haunt people for critizing your "special technique", not everybody consents with stealing graphics without permission and then rearranging them into web-projects.
Though I really don�t appreciate feacal speech I understand people getting angry about that.
I know definitely about two cases of stealing pics, referring to Fli7e
(ORIGINAL: http://www.fli7e.de

RIP: http://www.dialog24.de/main/navigation/left_3_5.htm ), my tentares

(ORIGINAL: http://www.unforgiven-art.de/gallery/alien_art/tentares/tentares.jpg

RIP: http://www.affenkasten.de/2001/theme/weeks/ressourcen01.html )
and I read about a third case concerning dangeruss.
Most of us a passionate designers, we are proud of our creations and it�s of no good style to take stuff away (even for commercial design!)and try to catch the honour.
I would say that this is not honourable.
It�s no critic concerning your wallpapers, but reffering to the circumstances I am too sceptic about the integrated elements, so that I�m in a predicament.
There is no way for me to praise your work any longer, sorry.

Comment #5 Thursday, July 19, 2001 2:12 PM
Ach Citizen schnupa - oder besser Dirk Kirchner aus Deutschland, wie verlogen bist du doch, selbst hier must du deine Hass Tiraden von Deviantart alias ... fortsetzen.

Du bist ein Verl�umder und krank, here is not a platform, for your private war against people with other works of art like yours!
Julia Scapulet
Comment #6 Friday, July 20, 2001 6:14 AM
Hallo dr_ocan, bereits bei DevianArt habe ich Dein Verhalten kommentiert. Ich sp�re angesichts Deiner Rechtschreibproblematik, dass Du emotional �u�erst angespannt sein musst (oder aber Du bist nat�rlich Legstheniker, dann verzeih..).
You are the only one who fights with unorthodox methods, I�d allow to remark.
Why do you always call names... no arguments? You never tried to convince by any proof, I know it�s quite hard, because the truth is (as links show) you steal!
I am just a writer, but I can�t approve of this kind of behaviour. I�d be in rage if someone stole my stories, absolutely.
The only one fighting here is you...
Sometimes we offer by the way we talk where our problem might be...
You ask whether your opponent schnupa is ill, but please allow the question... isn�t it pretty strange of you to act with so much hatred... just try to focus reality... you stole, you were caught and now... you call names...
If it weren�t you... what would it look like to you...?
The only hatred results from your attacks against someone who just wants his creation to be save...
Maybe take some time... and think about what you are doing here...
Comment #7 Friday, July 20, 2001 8:39 AM
Ach ja, poppy Schnupa + Julia Scapulet, ne deutsch IP etc, ... bevor Ihr der Meinung seid, verbale Entgleisungen sei eine Normalit�t, wenn Ihr Neid nicht z�geln k�nnt, wird halt die Keule herausgeholt. Wie billig und dumm seid ihr, lernt erst einmal Anstand und Benehmen. Ihr beweist nur Unf�higkeit und Unverm�gen. Nichts weiter habt Ihr hier demonstriert, ... rektum, verbrennen, erschlagen, ... noch weitere unfl�tige Entgleisungen auf schupas Webseite - ist sicher Euer Jargon, ihr k�nnt halt nichts daf�r.

In Liebe
Julia Scapulet
Comment #8 Friday, July 20, 2001 9:37 AM
Sorry, you think that I am schnupa?
Nope. I already told you and that was no precious secret, that I am a german native speaker, too.
I work for an international consulting corporation in Germany.
It had not even been necessary to try to be Sherlock Holmes...
Do you really think I�m full of envie ?
Sorry... not at all..
That must be a misunderstanding... if you need german translation for my comments, please let me know...
And now stop calling me names.
Otherwise I�ll inform the wincustomize team of your behaviour.
If you can�t stand any critics... you shouldn�t upload anything in the web...
I contacted schnupa already and told him that I was sorry, that you seem to mess up some stuff and that you think that we are somehow unisome.
He is not responsible for the rest of the worlds opinion.. I usually make up my mind myself...
Better stop calling your critics cheap and stupid... that is quite an offending format...
Comment #9 Monday, July 23, 2001 9:10 AM
Since my comments have been taken off this site, I’d like to ask two questions:

1. If you erase my comments here, then why don’t you just take off all the wallpapers of dr_ocan from this site?
I admit that my comments were rude and in some way maybe inappropriate. But at least I did not infringe any copyright.

2. Why do so many people protect dr_ocan?
Sure, I never upped a wallpaper here, but I have some friends here who do up a lot. But if I may post comments about an unhonorable thief after I have uploaded a bunch of wallpapers, then I will do so soon. I just hope noone will be offended that my “style” might just be like the one of dr_ocan – the unique copy-paste style he has learned to master.

Comment #10 Friday, June 6, 2008 12:06 PM
I could care less if it was stolen ... I like the wall and will use it.

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