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File Size: .07MB
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Updated May 30, 2003 by monox

Comment #1 Saturday, May 31, 2003 2:10 AM
Ok, kuddos where kuddos are due. This is a brilliant adaptation of WA2 to give it a freeform feel while it still being of course WA2. The one thing I could miss is access to the EQ but that the same time once i set that it's set so no big deal. Any chance for some alternate colors?
Comment #2 Sunday, June 1, 2003 6:49 AM
Keewwwwwllllll. I couldn't believe it was Winamp 2.9 at first. LOL . Nice job man...
Comment #3 Sunday, June 1, 2003 2:07 PM
I love this skin, nice job
Comment #4 Tuesday, June 3, 2003 11:09 AM
Killer skin! Not to fond of the font (or maybe it's just the font size), but the overall design is impeccable!!!
Comment #5 Friday, June 6, 2003 5:49 PM
lovely! how about various colors?
Walter Duffy
Comment #6 Saturday, June 7, 2003 12:50 AM
Very nice job!
Comment #7 Saturday, June 7, 2003 6:03 AM
Its nice to see that there are a few people out there still using their imagination instead of using the same basic 3-window style..

Awesome skin, bro.. awesome skin..
Comment #8 Tuesday, June 10, 2003 11:05 AM
The more I use this, the more I like. Really easy to see what's going on, on top of looking great.
Rich Thompson
Comment #9 Thursday, June 12, 2003 2:46 PM
it matches this Enlightenment theme really well:

Comment #10 Sunday, June 29, 2003 1:38 PM
its the coolest skin i have ever met!very incredible you can set the EQ like that!i love it very much!!!

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