Average Rating: 4
Yours: -1
File Size: .1MB
Downloads Today: 0 Downloads Total: 2242


Updated May 20, 2001 by digitalFX

Comment #1 Sunday, May 20, 2001 7:13 PM
Normally I don't download a win blinds skin, install it, use it THEN comment on it. But to the naked eye this looked good. simple, yet good. Then I saw the really low rating so i had to find out why. I'm not one for chaotic enviornments so this is very appealing to me. The mouse overs on the buttons (see normal and focused) are very well done. There is no text changing going on and the button does not increase or decrease with size. The only thing I would change if I changed anything would be size of the title bar. Maybe 2 or 3 pixels thinner. The rest is great. The blue is no over used, but could also be used as the menu highlight if the artist was feeling at all saucy. Gray is a nice color here and the blue that was choosen is real nice blue. I high recommend this skin simply because it works for one and it is completely functional. Simple skins like this go far too unnoticed in the scene today in my opinion. Great work there digitalFX. Keep it up!

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