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Updated Mar 14, 2002 by superfula

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Comment #21 Monday, February 4, 2002 2:09 PM
the font is in the skin directory after you install the skin. Windowblinds/Aquaxp. Just install the fonts and it will work
Jonny Ruzek
Comment #22 Thursday, February 7, 2002 3:08 PM
I like it, except fo the start bar. The start button is too big, and the start menu does not work well if you do not use a picture next to your name.

If you can create a sub-design to address those problems, I would be grateful.
Jose Pereira
Comment #23 Tuesday, February 12, 2002 1:55 PM
Where do i get the Lucida font for your skin??

Comment #24 Tuesday, February 12, 2002 6:35 PM
Hi superfula. This is the best skin up to my opinion. I downloaded the bootscreen/iconpackage/loginscreen with the same scheme too. REally cool. But the only ugly thing is with some applications the text on the button sometime bigger than the dimesion of the button and couldn't be view correctly. Can you let me know how to fix this issue. And can you show me how to turn off the sound when you close or resize a window too. Thanks alot.
Comment #25 Thursday, February 28, 2002 1:02 AM
Ok. This is a great skin first of all. I have snapped up all of the Aqua series. Theres just two things that always get me:
1.) How do you install the mysterious "Lucida Grande" font?
I know you've explained it before (I'm reading what you said to do) but I just can't seem to follow!
Please, Ima pretty computer literate guy, but this L.G. thing is baffeling me--explain to me and the masses, step by step, how to install the font once and for all!
Comment #26 Thursday, February 28, 2002 1:04 AM
Sorry. two things were really one.
Comment #27 Thursday, February 28, 2002 2:13 AM
Well to install a font...go to your control panel/fonts. Click File...Install New font. Point it to where you unzipped the font. If you are unaware...the font comes with my skin.

Thats all you have to do. Maybe a restart wouldn't hurt to finish everything. If you want to change the fonts that WB can't..go to display on appearance the Advanced click on Other Advanced Controls. Find the Item combo box. go through and find all the font-related stuff and change it all to LG or to whatever you'd like. Pretty easy stuff. Let me know if this isn't clear. I appreciate the compliments though
Comment #28 Thursday, February 28, 2002 8:04 AM
Where's that wallpaper from?
Comment #29 Thursday, February 28, 2002 1:30 PM
Where can find the wallpaper?
Comment #30 Friday, March 1, 2002 3:02 AM
wallpaper? Hmmm....try The image is peace.jpg

Ok I found it...Its at Digital Blasphemy. Its at the bottom of the page
Comment #31 Friday, March 1, 2002 10:11 AM
Wonderful Skin! I think I've used every iteration of it so far. I love the sounds.

One (teensy) bugaboo is in the WinXPGraphite subdesign... When you mouse over Turn Off Computer in the Start Menu, the icon switches to the Log Off icon.
Frank Robinson
Comment #32 Friday, March 1, 2002 11:32 AM
Can't find the icons at Have they been moved?

Comment #33 Saturday, March 2, 2002 11:44 PM
Nope they are still there. Follow the link, the click on Downloads at the top left, the click on the icons category. Everything I have is right there.
Comment #34 Sunday, March 3, 2002 1:34 AM
Where is the wallpaper(I looked in the file it doesn't look like it's there)?
Also, I still can't find the icons.
Comment #35 Monday, March 4, 2002 12:47 PM
Thanks for the heads up. I fixed the problem. Although I don't want to update it just for that.
Comment #36 Monday, March 4, 2002 12:50 PM
Here is the wallpaper link. Its toward the top. They keep adding new wallpapers, so it will eventually be on page 8 or further.

About the icons, everything i have, I got from that site. If they aren't there anymore, head to They have a huge forum with an "Icons" board that has a bunch of links for icons
Comment #37 Tuesday, March 5, 2002 9:43 PM
i'm having major problems with this skin. my buttons are all screwed up! any ideas what the problem might be?
Comment #38 Wednesday, March 6, 2002 1:29 AM
which buttons? how are they screwed up? What OS are you using?
Comment #39 Wednesday, March 6, 2002 8:49 PM
i'm using win98se. the buttons like OK, Cancel, Apply, they're all a mess. They have all these weird shapes and they are grey, and there are no words on them. And they get funkier every time i click on apply, hoping for a change. I've tried it on 3.1 and 3.2, with no difference. I don't know what's up with it, or with my pc. but i've never seen anything like it before.
Comment #40 Thursday, March 7, 2002 12:34 PM
Did you install the lucida grand font included in the skin? Otherwise its either video drivers (what video card are you using and which version of drivers) or I know that people are having troubles with WB 3.1, 3.2 and win98. If you have it, try WB 3.15

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