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Updated Feb 11, 2002 by liquidx

Comment #1 Monday, February 11, 2002 8:13 PM
This is very nice, a good contender to finally replace an aqua skin on my pc.

Just a note: buttons look like they become flat when hovered, that looks weird

Uh, for some reason, the maximize button seems to detect mouseover very erratically.
Comment #2 Monday, February 11, 2002 9:10 PM
mmm l33t colours nice to see it dont have mac logos on it
Comment #3 Tuesday, February 12, 2002 8:46 AM
this is beautiful!

like OSX but different and better!
Comment #4 Tuesday, February 12, 2002 12:23 PM
ok found the taskbar bug yo were saying some of it is missing from bottom of the word start, system tray is perfect just apps on taskbar is kinda cut if you know what i mean liqiidx if you need a screenshot on what im talkin about? this is on 3.2RC1
Comment #5 Tuesday, February 12, 2002 5:12 PM
Feck - this is definatly rated in the top 10 skins for windowblinds, for me anyway! It looks a little like OSX, but it's a shit load better! Great job liquidx - I'm going to watch you closely - you've got talent!
Comment #6 Tuesday, February 12, 2002 5:25 PM
Oh, and can you please, PLEASE, make a winstyles pack for this? With objectbar, DesktopX, ya know, all the goodies!
Comment #7 Tuesday, February 12, 2002 6:42 PM
Very nice skin!
Comment #8 Wednesday, February 13, 2002 3:38 PM
At first if i found the time i will make somthing over cool stuff matching the skin. I work realy hard on my busines and this skin was ispired by a website that I am working on. you can look on it and the matching DesktopX Thema will be a ghost of it.

Any comments on it will be welcome.
It's a german bank and they like to provide a special offer to people from 16 to 28. Comments are welcome.
Comment #9 Friday, March 8, 2002 7:01 PM
It is an excellent skin !

The link doesn't work
Comment #10 Monday, March 18, 2002 12:19 PM
Excellent Skin! It's one I'm currently using.

Things I'd recommend for the future:

1) Fix the start button bug.

2) Make the top of the start menu rounded and a little 3D like the windows

3) Add a winamp plug-in

Again, this is an AWESOME skin. With the recommendation above, I would probably pay for it.

Comment #11 Thursday, April 4, 2002 2:48 AM
This is as close to a MacOS X skin as you can get without it being a MacOS X skin.

Great job. I love it.
Comment #12 Tuesday, February 12, 2002 1:44 AM
beautiful.. beautiful!
Comment #13 Wednesday, February 13, 2002 6:51 PM
Mouse over on the close button doesn't work too well.
Comment #14 Saturday, February 16, 2002 12:15 AM
totally digging the design. very fluid, creative and exceptionally functional.
Comment #15 Monday, February 18, 2002 9:49 AM
this is a really good skin - one of the few
Comment #16 Monday, May 13, 2002 12:37 AM
Very nice one just fix the start button bug and Make the top of the start menu rounded and it will be the most perfect skin I ever see
thank you

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