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Updated Feb 21, 2002 by sandra haggard

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Comment #1 Wednesday, February 13, 2002 12:28 PM
Thank you
Comment #2 Wednesday, February 13, 2002 2:42 PM
I would use this skin, if it weren't for the religious content.
David Ditzenberger
Comment #3 Wednesday, February 13, 2002 9:48 PM
An excellent piece of of the tops. (In my case, the religious content is welcome and appreciated). Great work.
Comment #4 Thursday, February 14, 2002 2:33 PM
I following your steps since the first work you uploaded. I really like what I see.
Keep them comming, you are really tallented
Comment #5 Saturday, February 16, 2002 7:54 AM
The lack of description deters me from actually being interested in what this skin has to offer. Descriptions are just as important as the skin itself, to me.
Comment #6 Saturday, February 16, 2002 4:34 PM
Beautiful skin but I could do without the religious overtones. How about one without the bmp's on the START menu.
Comment #7 Monday, February 18, 2002 7:15 PM
Very nice, all of it. People nowadays seem so frightened to stand up for what they believe in, which isn't surprising, really, considering the attitudes directed at Christianity lately. You can be Buddhist, Islamic, Mormon, but tell someone you're a Christian and suddenly you're labled an extremist. But I ramble. Very surprised and pleased by your work. Looking forward to seeing more.
Comment #8 Thursday, February 21, 2002 10:13 PM
I personally like the content of this theme. Create what you like and feel. You will get pros and cons on everything you do.
Larry Kuperman
Comment #9 Friday, February 22, 2002 10:30 PM
It is a great skin.
No need to apologize for the religious content. The Sistine Chapel, The Last Supper, The Jerusalem Windows are religious art. People choose to to be uplifted--or not.
Comment #10 Monday, February 25, 2002 6:51 AM
This is beautiful work. I'm not a hugely religious person but this doesn't stop me appreciating it.

I would praise your talent, but Treetog has alreasy done that and such praise from the mighty Treetog certainly supercedes any praise I could bestow!
sandra haggard
Comment #11 Monday, February 25, 2002 10:27 PM
Oh boy! I can see all the comments now. Thanks for the nice compliments. I am religious, but I make skins on whatever moves me at the moment. Who knows what the next one will be. I'm pleased that my work is liked.
Comment #12 Monday, March 11, 2002 3:56 PM
Congrats Sandra! well deserved medal!
Comment #13 Saturday, July 6, 2002 2:09 PM
where can i get the wallpaper?
sandra haggard
Comment #14 Tuesday, July 23, 2002 11:27 PM
The wallpaper is in the folder. It must be loaded the old fashion way.
Comment #15 Thursday, August 15, 2002 10:55 PM
This is a wonderful skin. I really appreciate not only the wonderful work, but the wonderful topic. I'm an old follower of Jesus and really thank you and appreciate the work you've done on this skin. God bless.
Isabelen Marquez
Comment #16 Saturday, November 16, 2002 10:38 AM
COngrats Sandra. Your work is fabulous.
Make more and more.
Comment #17 Tuesday, December 24, 2002 1:16 AM
Maravilloso,explendido,te felicito...
Comment #18 Tuesday, December 24, 2002 10:29 AM
Great - thinking "outside the box" - WB
Is the wllpaper included?
Comment #19 Tuesday, December 24, 2002 11:56 AM
This is the first time I've seen this. Very well done. Very innovative design. Thanks so much!!

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Comment #20 Tuesday, December 24, 2002 4:52 PM
Jesus rocks and so dose this skin keep it up

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