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Updated May 31, 2003 by Judge

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Sir Babyface
Comment #101 Wednesday, September 17, 2003 10:33 AM
for the toolbar there is not icons. My miranda windows keeps the old windows look. Any chance to update this?
Comment #102 Wednesday, October 1, 2003 4:20 AM
your skin is my #1 favorite! but I just recently bump into a problem. the tabs and some bottons appear to be missing. I had to put it to 16 bit colors first and back to 32 bit again to fix it. I had to do this everytime I start opening my PC.

this started when I updated my 4.0 to 4.1
The Matrix Revolutions
Comment #103 Friday, November 7, 2003 4:35 AM
This is THE BEST SKIN that i ever had Keep Up the excellent work I LOVE MAC OS Skin
Comment #104 Sunday, February 15, 2004 10:35 PM
can u add that metal effect to this skin????????????
if so everyone would really appreciate it
Comment #105 Monday, April 5, 2004 3:32 PM
this skin is really good, i had the osxp ng before it but i changed a few weeks ago. however i do have a problem with the extra features. it does work fine, but it has a conflict with ws_ftp pro 8.1. but i don't use it that often so no biggy. other than that. it works heavenly. thanks judge. i love your skins.
Niko Orsini
Comment #106 Monday, May 31, 2004 12:48 PM

I love this skin... Is it possible to make small adjustments? It's great as is, but on the start menu when highlighting the log/shutdown options the texture seems to get replaced by just a highlight color. Is it possible to try something where the texture (great texture!) stays the same but the buttons and text maybe just change? Food for thought... it still kicks ass!

TN Brat!
Comment #107 Thursday, August 12, 2004 9:22 PM
I love this, it's clean and friendly...except...the buttons are on the wrong side :notsure ...LOL, I guess that's the Mac thing, right? Well, I've changed the bottons for personal use...Thanks for making this looks awesome!!!!
Comment #108 Wednesday, October 6, 2004 8:16 AM
It's the BEST skin i've seen on this site !!

But, this is my 0,05$..
I personaly do not use ClearType font smoothing, so WinAmp control in bottom of window looks bit blurry... So i can recomend this site with _free_ micro-fonts for this WinAmp/Clock control-bar:
~Angelic DestinE
Comment #109 Wednesday, December 22, 2004 11:22 AM
Since he didn't make a wall for this lovely skin, I found one to go with it. Try this.

Comment #110 Monday, January 17, 2005 6:04 AM
This is a really great skin. I love it to bits.
Thanks for sharing.
Comment #111 Thursday, February 3, 2005 8:51 AM
hmm.. neat skin

beside that, the scrollbar in mirc looks horribly ugly (stretched).. any way you can fix that?
Philip VanWyngarden
Comment #112 Sunday, February 13, 2005 1:40 PM
Very awesome looking!

I'm having a problem with webpages 'bouncing' vertically in firefox 1.0 and ie. Not every webpage, not everytime.

Also, the vertical scrollbar doesn't seem to space itself out correctly. the upper and lower edges are streched out too much.

Thanks for your help!

vanwyngarden - at - yahoo - . - com
Comment #113 Tuesday, March 1, 2005 5:27 PM
Hey, my scrollbars on your skin are not the sweet Aqua blue- they are just very plain. Is there a way to change this? Other then that, looks awesome! Let me know
Comment #114 Thursday, May 5, 2005 8:39 PM
i flip through many different skins per week...and i like them for a while but not for long...but this TOTALY different...i am in love with it...with this skin and objectdock and mac theme for firefox i am in mac GUI heaven. i love the mac gui but love the compatibility of pc...and this gives me both...there are those little flaws but i dont did an AMAZING job...keep up the good work...ill be checking up on your work often...its quality stuff!!!
Comment #115 Sunday, May 22, 2005 12:51 AM
my comment is about the blue bar on the rigth side of the control panel. in my computer that blue bar is replaced with a grey normal bar how can i change it.
Comment #116 Sunday, May 22, 2005 12:55 AM
my comment is about the blue bar on the rigth side of the control panel as shown on the picture of this skin. in my pc i cant see that blue bar. it is replaced with a normal bad grey one. what can i do?
Comment #117 Monday, May 23, 2005 7:31 PM

The only problem I have, other than the icon overlap, is that I don't have any side scroll bar in MS Word. Any ideas where it went?


Oh, and yes, the scroll bars on other programs are just the standard windows bars...
Glen Porritt
Comment #118 Friday, June 3, 2005 6:46 AM
I love it!

But there seams to be a bug with firefox. The page jumps up and down. Any chance of getting this fixed?
Comment #119 Friday, June 10, 2005 1:17 PM
Very nice. I'll be keeping an eye out for your other skins.
Comment #120 Friday, November 11, 2005 8:48 PM
I miss this theme! It was my fav! But I went from windowblinds to Sytler2 built into TuneUp 2006, and the closest thing I have found that works in that program is Panther Blue (a stylexp theme I think). Is there anyway to get ISKIN theme into Styler2? I've already posted this in the forum board here, so perhaps someone can reply there?

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