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Updated Jan 23, 2003 by MikeB314

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Comment #41 Tuesday, December 10, 2002 4:03 AM
Really nice, a wonderful job ...

Though I have some remarks about all the skinners that leave their job unfinished.

Not everybody uses Windows XP. Some of us prefer Win 2K for being the only O.S. that Gates and co. produces currently. Hence, it would be very nice to have an ObjectBar as well.

Almost forgot, carry on!
Comment #42 Tuesday, December 10, 2002 9:14 AM
Buttons and mouse over - outstanding. Screws I have seen before. To my taste the bars have a little bit too much contrast to please the eye. Don't know if my settings are correct, but the start panel user pane and bottombar are not in line

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Comment #43 Tuesday, December 10, 2002 10:51 AM
What a work..! Good one. look best in my pc..!
Comment #44 Tuesday, December 10, 2002 2:18 PM
Wow, this is a dam fine skin, the entire suite is Top noch. keep up the great work1
Comment #45 Tuesday, December 10, 2002 6:26 PM
Comment #46 Tuesday, December 10, 2002 6:51 PM
Absolutely Fabulous! This is the first suite I've been thouroughly thrilled with since Universe Metal came out. This one will be on my desktop for a long time to come
Comment #47 Tuesday, December 10, 2002 6:53 PM
Beautiful, It mixes great with the copper deck 2 icons and cursor, also the protozoa wmp skin.
Lo Pan
Comment #48 Wednesday, December 11, 2002 4:41 AM
I see the winamp controls in the screenshot there, but they don't appear on my version of the skin. I use windows XP and my windowblinds version is 3.4 full. Do I need 3.5 to see the winamp controls?

great skin by the way.
Comment #49 Wednesday, December 11, 2002 6:36 AM
Lo Pan: You can access the WinAmp controls by clicking the small round button below the window icon.
Comment #50 Wednesday, December 11, 2002 8:54 AM
Very nice looking skin. Unfortunately I can't use it because it REALLY slow down my whole system. No idea why, everything takes forever. Got a 1.4 Gigs processor and 512 Megs of RAM though...
Comment #51 Wednesday, December 11, 2002 12:46 PM
One of the first dark skins that I will actually use. Good job on making a dark but still readable skin!

Rating: 9
Comment #52 Thursday, December 12, 2002 11:43 AM
Excellent work, Mike. You somehow managed to make a theme that looks fantastic, runs well, is nicely textured, very unique, and above all, it's still incredibly usable.
Comment #53 Friday, December 13, 2002 3:55 AM
I have to agree with everyone. This skin is very well done. The only criticism that I have is that when using the multiple language bar or the multiple desktop tool for xp from microsoft those areas aren't skinned well. Some skins manage it well and others don't but since they are not features used by most I understand why they are not skinned
Comment #54 Friday, December 13, 2002 4:26 PM
this skin is fantastic!
Comment #55 Saturday, December 14, 2002 8:19 AM
Aaron W.
Comment #56 Saturday, December 14, 2002 8:29 AM
Any chance at getting a sub skin with the action buttons labeled? [_][x] etc.

Lovin' it.
Comment #57 Saturday, December 14, 2002 4:38 PM

Great skin, love the colors - everything. I'm able to run it on my 366 mhz machine with no problems (so far!) LOL I don't have XP so I can't use the rest of the goodies you've designed - ever thought of an Objectbar?
Comment #58 Tuesday, December 17, 2002 12:10 AM
Really neat. I like it.
Yuliya Belova
Comment #59 Tuesday, December 17, 2002 1:29 AM
Gloomy, there are a lot of details
Comment #60 Tuesday, December 17, 2002 9:22 AM
Grate!!! My favorite!!
But i got a problem whith Photoshop when i use this skin..
Any body else??

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