N - Moon Shadow
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N - Moon Shadow

Updated May 14, 2019 by adni18

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Comment #81 Thursday, February 27, 2003 2:32 PM
Thank you very much Aqua
Comment #82 Thursday, February 27, 2003 4:59 PM
unbelievabally good!!!!
Comment #83 Thursday, February 27, 2003 6:28 PM
Thank you MrGupps
Da Geek
Comment #84 Saturday, March 1, 2003 5:40 PM
Awesome skin. My only problem is that the Log Off and Turn Off Computer popup screens don't skin. They stay their default format except for the Cancel button which changes and has a white box around it. What could be the problem? -Mike
Comment #85 Sunday, March 2, 2003 2:34 AM
Thank you Mike
Do you have WindowBlinds 3.9 ?
I guess you don't, that is why you don't have skinned what you have mention.
Comment #86 Sunday, March 2, 2003 9:36 AM
Excellent Skin!!!
Comment #87 Sunday, March 2, 2003 9:53 AM
adni, the titlebar text clipping problem still seems to exist in this new version. To see what I mean, open this site in Internet Explorer and decrease the width of the window until the title text fills to the right hand side of the titlebar. The text enters the titlebar button 'area' which I imagine is intended to be seperate from the title 'area'. Hope that made some sense!
Comment #88 Sunday, March 2, 2003 1:01 PM
Thank you Scot
Comment #89 Sunday, March 2, 2003 1:06 PM
Thank you grayhaze

You are right, I didn't know how to check it, but now I know thanks to you!
Comment #90 Sunday, March 2, 2003 2:27 PM
I am finally getting to the update Nikos, and I like it
Da Geek
Comment #91 Sunday, March 2, 2003 2:48 PM
adni18, no I don't have 3.9, and was unaware that Stardock had released a newer version. I purchased WB standalone v3.5 which according to the website is the latest version. I've looked all over for v3.9 and have not found any links to download. Where can I get it? TIA -Mike
Comment #92 Sunday, March 2, 2003 7:20 PM
Thanks Lavant
Comment #93 Sunday, March 2, 2003 7:30 PM
Hi again Mike
WB 3.9 it is only in alpha version, but I think that by the end of this month it will be available for all, as WindowBlinds 4 (final version).
Some people though, for example, those who have purchased the ObjectDesktop, they have access to this not final version
Comment #94 Monday, March 3, 2003 4:15 AM
why i cannt see all of the windowblinds ....i mean ..for exanple the desktop..or the shet down picture ..etc.....please tell me ..> <...
Comment #95 Monday, March 3, 2003 12:26 PM
To apply what you have mention you need the latest version of WindowBlinds, which for the moment is 3.9 alpha.
Comment #96 Tuesday, March 11, 2003 8:25 AM
Hi, Adni18,
I'm gonna go straight to the point!
Where can i get WB 3.9?
I hope you can answer that as soon as posible cause everybody began to look for WB 3.9 after you made that Incredible skin!
C'ya! LOL
Comment #97 Tuesday, March 11, 2003 2:45 PM
LOL Thank you CharzXP

Only if you have Object Desktop you can have access to the alpha and beta versions of the products of Stardock.
WindowBlinds 3.9 is only an alpha version.
Otherwise, you have to wait untill the end of this month, I guess, to have the final version, 4.0

Comment #98 Friday, April 25, 2003 7:47 AM
From the six Windowblinds themes I have in my machine, 3 are from Adni's work. (Not counting on the wallpapaers, icons, etc ), which means that your work is always usable , nice and good.

I am using this one now and never get tired of it. Together with the Digital Lilly wallpaper, from Lady Akasha, Aglow cursor from SweetDreams and AquaBlue icons from Shmoopy, it makes a terrific "suite". At least I am using it and I am very happy.

Good work, Adni.

Comment #99 Friday, April 25, 2003 7:29 PM
Thank you very much Artur.N
Comment #100 Saturday, May 17, 2003 9:20 PM
Very nice, you are a pro.

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