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Updated Nov 07, 2003 by mormegil

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Comment #81 Thursday, April 10, 2003 12:30 AM
Grwat work!!! Can you do it in your universal or onyx color. Love all of your work, just a little to purple for me. I love blue. Keep it up though!!!
Billie Bonka
Comment #82 Thursday, April 10, 2003 1:14 AM
Awesome work as usual Paul! Can't wait to see some more great work from you.
Comment #83 Thursday, April 10, 2003 1:21 PM
Great skin mormegil, we didn't expect nothing less from you!
Comment #84 Thursday, April 10, 2003 5:35 PM
Wow, very pretty skin.
Timothy Levy
Comment #85 Thursday, April 10, 2003 6:55 PM
Need a Logon screen also.
Comment #86 Thursday, April 10, 2003 9:39 PM
doing it now!
Comment #87 Friday, April 11, 2003 1:11 AM
Microsoft should hire you and let you create the visual style for the next generation of XP, why can't Microsoft make such an awesome look right from the start when there are so talented people like you on earth?
Comment #88 Friday, April 11, 2003 3:04 AM
Looks Awesome!
Comment #89 Saturday, April 12, 2003 1:51 PM
This is really nice, except I don't care for the green start button. Too much like the original XP. I'm kind of picky about start buttons anyway.
Comment #90 Saturday, April 12, 2003 7:34 PM

BUT I have some problems

I get a delay of several seconds when I click on Start.
The picture does not display in the top of the start menu and my name is half on the empty picture area

But even worse.... my system becomes unstable when I run this skin.... today I was just running media player and tried to click on the start button and it would not respond... it took several reboots to clear it I am running WB4 on a Toshiba 5205-s504 using the latest nvidia drivers at 1400x1050 I can run the latest XP Cobalt skin without any of these problems. Hopefully it's something easy to fix I also bought and am running the ORION icons with iconpackager and Celestial cursor on CursorXP all the latest versions.
Any ideas?
Comment #91 Sunday, April 13, 2003 12:19 AM
humm. that is odd, I have know Idea why this would occur. I will look in to it.
Comment #92 Sunday, April 13, 2003 9:08 AM
intangbl : Are You on a domain ? That would at least explain the user-pic problem.
Comment #93 Sunday, April 13, 2003 12:16 PM
Nope no domain. I am currently running BlackComb Plus and have no problems, maybe because it does not display the picture at all? I would actually prefer that if possible with LaST-Orion-FauxS-XP(Cobalt). I tried changing the "show user icon in start panel" inside WB4 with no effect.

I have tried most of the recent skins and can't say I have any problems with them, except some of the "older" ones have a graphical glitch here and there so I am staying with the ones for WB4 for now, seems there is something different about this one on my system. I did see another message in the windowblinds newsgroup with the start menu delay issue, didn't say he had any other issues, he mentioned Cobalt but I'm not sure if it was THIS Cobalt, there is at least one other that I know of (XP Cobalt) which has no trouble here.

Anyway WB4 is very cool, thanks for taking the time to look into it, I don't expect you too spend a whole lotta time on it if I am the only one with the problem ... may just be something different about my system, but by all means let me know if anyone has any suggetions to try, I would really like to be able to run LaST-Orion-FauxS-XP(Cobalt) without all the trouble

Thanks to all
Comment #94 Friday, April 18, 2003 12:56 AM
I have the same picture problem, also happens with OSX theme. Do you also have Style XP installed??
Comment #95 Saturday, April 19, 2003 1:51 AM
No I have not tried Style XP, Are you on XP Pro? using a Geforce card by any chance?
Comment #96 Saturday, April 19, 2003 3:34 PM
how do u get the osx program bar?
Comment #97 Sunday, April 20, 2003 8:34 PM
Try to all people know your work, don�t sell, you are the best
Comment #98 Friday, April 25, 2003 1:33 AM
i had trouble before bc i was using wb3.1 but i have wb4 now and it looks amazing. Best skin i have ever seen in my life.
Comment #99 Friday, April 25, 2003 6:10 AM
Comment #100 Saturday, April 26, 2003 1:31 AM
Absolutely phenomenal work! This ranks among the best of the very best skins I've ever seen/used. It's not only incredibly slick looking, every aspect of it from menus to scroll buttons looks great and works well together. A '10' for sure!

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