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Updated Apr 27, 2003 by mormegil

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Steve Grenier
Comment #81 Monday, April 28, 2003 11:13 PM
Hey mormegil, very nice spin on the toonxp theme. I like this better but shh dont tell them Nice work man
Johnny Hotsauce
Comment #82 Tuesday, April 29, 2003 12:58 AM
Awesome work Mormegil!! You out did yourself with your work on the original! Anyway to find out how to get the walls or do you have to buy the package just to get the wallpaper?? Keep up the sweet work!!
Comment #83 Tuesday, April 29, 2003 3:01 AM
Hey Mormegil, I was wondering if, in a future version, you could skin the rollover on the "all programs" button in the start menu?

THanks for listening and excellent skin!
Comment #84 Tuesday, April 29, 2003 3:43 AM
Paul, what can I say that hasnt already been said. This skin is incredible. You out did yourself on this one. I was using the abracadabra suite but because of this skin I have reinstalled the toon xp suite and will be using it for some time to come. This made the toon xp look even better, not taking anything away from the original as it to was very well done but this one is just so perfect for the suite. Any chance we will see an icq, winamp and cursor xp skin to really finsh off the suite? Again a job very very well done.
Comment #85 Tuesday, April 29, 2003 11:42 AM
Hey Chris...for some stupid reason my ToonXP that I got from Stardock didn't come with 3 wallpapers....only came with one. I've browsed my computer for the other wallpapers, but they are nowhere to be found. Could you please send them to my e-mail? ctbrideaux@shaw.ca

Many thanks.
Jess McGuay
Comment #86 Tuesday, April 29, 2003 1:01 PM
Iwswat, the extra walls were in the second zip file. The first one you dl install and then was a second one that had extra dx items and wallpapers in it. Just do a stardock request for serials and the email will have the link to both files for ya
Comment #87 Tuesday, April 29, 2003 4:19 PM
You F*ing rock!
Comment #88 Tuesday, April 29, 2003 7:37 PM
Got it!
Comment #89 Tuesday, April 29, 2003 8:32 PM
Comment #90 Tuesday, April 29, 2003 8:48 PM
Any chance of a matching Trillian skin?
Lord Dante
Comment #91 Tuesday, April 29, 2003 9:37 PM
Fantastic skin, looks great and works great all over. But one little thing.. if you could add an option to get rid of the rollup button on the bottom border of every window it would be much better. As it is, the button is too big and makes maximised windows look bad. Thanks mate And once again well done on a great skin!
Comment #92 Tuesday, April 29, 2003 10:17 PM
good idea. I will add it to my list.
Comment #93 Tuesday, April 29, 2003 11:24 PM
Speechless....Thank you so much for sharing with us...
Comment #94 Wednesday, April 30, 2003 2:29 AM
COOOOL... GREAT WORK as usualy... keep making
Comment #95 Wednesday, April 30, 2003 2:59 AM
MadIce,I am also 46 , loved the skin but not for everyday use.

It is not worst or better than others, is different and great anyway.

Comment #96 Wednesday, April 30, 2003 9:15 AM
Fantastic Skin.
I noticed one thing at the bottom of the pop_up window from windows update I dont have an accept button. I had to change skins to get this option back.
Comment #97 Wednesday, April 30, 2003 12:52 PM
This skin is splendid!
Just a problem with radio.TGA and checkbox.TGA which is not planned for the old versions.
Apart from that, I hope that there will be soon matched cursors and Winamp skin to go with ...
Comment #98 Wednesday, April 30, 2003 4:08 PM
Very nice skin. But I see a couple of bugs with the Start Panel. I am running 1400x1050 resolution with Large DPI set. The Places panel was messed up on the right border. I looked at the skin in skinstudio and found that setting PaintingMethod/DrawMethod to "stretch the image" (instead of Tile) fixed this problem.

The arrow on All Programs is also Tiling instead of Stretching. Changing this in skin studio caused another problem though (pink border at the bottom of the windows for some reason).
Comment #99 Wednesday, April 30, 2003 8:57 PM
Awesome skin! - I've been using it since it posted. My only suggestion would be to change the color of disabled toolbar button images from black to a more traditional gray-out. When I see a button image that is all-black, I don't think "disabled", I think "corrupted icon files need rebuilding". heh
Comment #100 Wednesday, April 30, 2003 9:36 PM
Really like this skin! One bug I noticed - the help button shows instead
of the minimize button on stardock central.

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