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File Size: .26MB
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Updated Jun 09, 2003 by MikeB314

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Comment #81 Wednesday, September 17, 2003 1:39 AM
I found out about this theme from the great cursor set that accompanies it. It's a beautiful theme, and everything's skinned correctly, which is a definite plus! Great job! It's dark, but definitely not too dark.

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Comment #82 Friday, October 24, 2003 2:04 PM
I've had a chance to spend a lot of time with this skin off and on now, and I believe it is the King of WB skins. Just great, great, great.
Comment #83 Friday, November 7, 2003 4:52 AM
Simply EXCELLENT !!!!!!!!

I LOVE IT----A++++++++++++
Comment #84 Monday, January 19, 2004 4:07 AM
Very nice design ! I have little problem with the buttons, titles and tabs though - the titles do not appear ( . What am I doing wrong? Using WB 3.51.
Comment #85 Thursday, January 22, 2004 12:31 PM
Hey! Where did this skin go? I am getting 404 errors when I try to download it.

I've been using the Sysmetrix version of this skin and was so looking forward to using the Windowblinds version. (

This is a very attractive skin. One of the coolest I've ever seen.

I hope it returns soon.
Comment #86 Thursday, January 22, 2004 1:13 PM
Well, I found it on the Skinplant site. Now I am a happy camper

This skin is still AWOL from this site, however.
Comment #87 Thursday, January 22, 2004 5:11 PM
Thanks for letting me know, jvanva. I've resubmitted the skin here.
Comment #88 Thursday, February 19, 2004 2:11 AM
Please Mike master of skinning you need to update this and all your other wonderful skins to the new features now in windowblinds (toolbar icons, animations ..etc..)
Comment #89 Thursday, February 19, 2004 9:58 PM
I really like this theme, but I don't like the use of all caps font. I have tried changing the font to something more readable, but I am having problems getting the text to fit properly. Other than that, this would be my current theme. Great job!

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Comment #90 Thursday, March 11, 2004 6:38 PM
For some reason I get a 404 file not found when i rty to download
Comment #91 Friday, March 12, 2004 2:09 PM
Thanks for letting me know, latin4567. I've updated the file and it works now.
Comment #92 Wednesday, March 24, 2004 7:24 PM
i realy like this skin but why do u use so many black in your menue backgrounds ?

the skin is great but i cant use it because its to many black in the text backgrounds
Comment #93 Wednesday, April 7, 2004 7:50 AM
I love this one so much. Its so clean, simple, and the fonts are cute and compact! It makes my desktop look wider and clean!! besides, it have a lot of black colour which is my fave!!!! nice job!!!! LOL
Comment #94 Wednesday, April 7, 2004 7:53 AM
Ehe~ and one more, i took a lot of time skinning my winamp, messenger, etc. to look similar to this cute skin
Comment #95 Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:40 AM
This is my favorite skin here. I have a back downloaded (right click - save target as) and I only do that for things I really like.
It fits well with CurserXP's ProTools set.

The only thing I don't like (which is most likely just a setting I haven�t found) is right clicking on windows and programs border bar makes them scroll up.
Comment #96 Tuesday, September 14, 2004 9:28 PM
Comment #97 Thursday, September 30, 2004 5:16 PM
Mike, you must have favor in the eyes of the gods or something man. I absolutely love this skin, but as with any other skin I download I always wonder what's next? Is there an icon set on the way, and a winamp skin? I think you or someone should make one then this would truly be complete. But as is, it's kickass...Good work as usual!
Comment #98 Thursday, September 30, 2004 6:01 PM
This is the Visual Style that should have been included by Microsoft indtead of the dreadful Luna.

Comment #99 Friday, March 25, 2005 4:35 AM
I've been using w'blinds for quite some time now, and I've tried many skins...some good, some bad. This is the first, and maybe only time I have ever felt compelled to offer comments on any skin...

Anyway, here it is...

The author of this skin did a fantastic job. The skin offers a unique look/feel without being overbearing or tacky. I can use this skin at work with Outlook and any other application, and there are never any visibility issues. It works perfectly with every application always...zero problems. For a dark skin, I've noticed that this is not an easy feat to accomplish. I have always been particular to dark skins as they're easy on my eyes (I use a dual display system all day at work). This dark skin ROCKS!!! It is the best I've seen period. As I said, I've tried many dark skins (Sektor is another excellent dark skin), but this is the skin that I always come back to. It's an all time favorite.

Comment #100 Thursday, August 18, 2005 3:48 AM
Nice style there

You are my Favorite Subscriper

Great Job !!!

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