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Updated Jul 21, 2004 by Xero-

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Comment #21 Sunday, August 31, 2003 9:03 AM
Very nice work

thx Xero
Comment #22 Sunday, August 31, 2003 12:05 PM
ok just noticed that the auto-hide bug occurs with this theme.
Comment #23 Monday, September 1, 2003 2:48 AM
I've used it for a while and it's a sweet skin. Amost getting the hang of the title bar buttons on the left too, but still have occasional mishaps. Very nice work, Xero.
Comment #24 Monday, September 1, 2003 9:14 AM
hey zero im using it right now but the hard part was getiin all the icons and changing them all btw where did u get the wallpaper from??
Comment #25 Monday, September 1, 2003 10:33 AM
Are the Icons available in a package or do you have to change them manually? I'm using everything except for the Objectbar and Icons. I would love to use the icons though! They're pretty cool .
Steve Grenier
Comment #26 Monday, September 1, 2003 1:05 PM
wallpapers here

icons here (for iconpackager)
Comment #27 Monday, September 1, 2003 7:03 PM
Thxz...Got it!! Now It's complete.
Comment #28 Thursday, September 4, 2003 8:40 AM
Kick ass skin mate
Comment #29 Saturday, September 6, 2003 8:49 AM
Wow Very nice work
thx Xero

ps Where do I get this MP3 Player,s skin for iTunes the same?
Comment #30 Thursday, September 11, 2003 4:39 PM
beautiful..what else can i say...
absolutely makes me wanna throw my pc in the bin and get a mac LOL LOL LOL LOL
Steve Grenier
Comment #31 Wednesday, September 17, 2003 7:45 PM
cnadlegirl, but that is for pc
Comment #32 Sunday, September 28, 2003 5:13 PM
Steve Grenier
Comment #33 Sunday, October 5, 2003 9:23 PM
wtf is ice tunnel lol why did they rename it
Comment #34 Tuesday, October 14, 2003 7:34 PM
Love yer themes man, this is like the 4th one in a row Ihave used LOL

thefox - Aquaxp
thegreatc0rnh0li0 - Aqua-Soft
Comment #35 Wednesday, October 15, 2003 5:52 PM
Hey, I know it's too much to ask, but how is it exactly that you made your desktop look like that? I'm trying real hard to make it look just like that, but I just can't seem to do it! Tell me your secret! Also, on the Finder folder, is that a Yz toolbar? Where can I get it? A e-mail with all this info would be nice, or a reply on here, too. Keep up the good job. You rule!! LOL
Comment #36 Monday, October 27, 2003 7:33 PM
I LOVE this, its restored my faith in WindowBlindes! But Ive noticed that it isnt skinning my scrollbars...
Comment #37 Wednesday, October 29, 2003 1:46 PM
I love your work it makes my pc look to good to be true .
One thing though how are u running objectbar and keep the normal start menu ??
Im using ur objectbar theme that goes with this but i cant work out how to keep the xp menu there for easier nav.

Comment #38 Thursday, October 30, 2003 8:46 AM
Ok, so I want to know where I can get the extras you have in the screen shot (i.e. the messenger, itunes "like" item) Also this skin doesnt seem to work like it does in the screen shot, my scroll bars arent skinned, when I click on the start menu it doesnt look like it does in the screen shot, the explorer buttons arent skinned. Basically your skin, although I love it, it doesnt look like it does in the screen shot its actually very different, so am I missing something?
Comment #39 Wednesday, November 12, 2003 9:03 AM
Ok, I'm a dumb ass! Ive now bought windowblinds and now know why my scrollbars werent skinned and stuff. But I still want to know where to find the extras, the link to the icons isnt working...
Comment #40 Saturday, November 15, 2003 1:54 PM
Hello, please how can I get that AIM skin??? I really want it!

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