Alpha OS II
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Vista Ready

Alpha OS II

Updated Nov 03, 2009 by adni18

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Comment #41 Monday, November 24, 2003 6:42 PM
It is not big problem aidtsu ,
Just open WindowBlinds, go to "User Overrides" -> "Font Overrides" and use any Cyrillic font you like
Comment #42 Monday, November 24, 2003 7:03 PM
Looks great!
Comment #43 Monday, November 24, 2003 8:11 PM
Great work, but if it had a compact start menu and thin taskbar it would be perfect.

May give it a go myself, but I'll probably break something
Comment #44 Wednesday, November 26, 2003 9:30 PM
Best Skin I have ever seen! LOL I have a few quick questions though. Where might I get the background, calender (Is that DesktopX?), and the icons? If they are on this site i would love to know the names and if not where can i grab them. The are so cool when put together!!!
Comment #45 Wednesday, November 26, 2003 10:01 PM
Thank you PandaPaws and Sept1mus
Comment #46 Wednesday, November 26, 2003 10:07 PM
Thank you DexGen

I was having all the links you are asking, in the description of the skin, but with the WC database problem, they have disappear and I can't update them, maybe later it would be possible.
Untill then, here are the links:

Wallpaper link:
Icons link:
Logon link:

Comment #47 Wednesday, November 26, 2003 10:19 PM
Thank You for the links. They really helped. Again I must say this is a first-rate skin!!!
Comment #48 Thursday, November 27, 2003 2:36 AM
Very nice Adni. What I'm missing are really readable good visible fonts. For expl. the fonts in the display bars or the one showing the time(clock) in the sys tray.Can you create better redable fonts in these sections?

Comment #49 Thursday, November 27, 2003 3:31 AM
You are welcome DexGen

Thank you badblueboy
I know what you mean about the fonts, normally I am using standard Microsoft fonts in my skins, it was an exception this time. The fonts in this skin are beautiful, but not very easy to use in daily basis. Though, you can use any font you like by selecting them in WindowBlinds -> "User Overrides" -> "Font Overrides".
Comment #50 Thursday, November 27, 2003 5:21 AM
Γεια σου Νίκο καλλιτέχνη
Comment #51 Thursday, November 27, 2003 8:18 AM
very nice skin. i think the only thing that could make it better is custom colour support
Comment #52 Thursday, November 27, 2003 9:40 AM
Γεια σου Βαγγελη!
Thanks for your comment

Thanks measter
You are right, I just didn't think of it.
Comment #53 Thursday, November 27, 2003 1:55 PM
Again from badblueboy Adni!

It's easy to say but hard to do. I have tried to change the fonts but there are a lot without prewiev so it's almost impossible to choose the right one and the right size.
I think I'll delete the skin.

Comment #54 Thursday, November 27, 2003 3:54 PM
Whatever you say badblueboy
Comment #55 Thursday, November 27, 2003 5:34 PM
luv-e-ly, I consider this an early christmas gift, and thanks alot.
Comment #56 Thursday, November 27, 2003 6:15 PM
Don't consider it as Christmas gift, I am preparing something else for Christmas
Thanks for your kind comment Jamhand
Joan Polishan
Comment #57 Thursday, November 27, 2003 6:28 PM
this is a 10/10/10/etc just like your wallpaper.
Comment #58 Thursday, November 27, 2003 7:08 PM
The "Critics" are beginning to annoy me. As to the "creativity" where is the library for all to see from the critic? As for fonts, Skinstudio allows you to change any of them. I wish I had your talent Adni, you have yet to create an unuseable skin,i.e. charcoal text on a black background.And lets get going on that web page hahahah
Comment #59 Thursday, November 27, 2003 8:55 PM
Thank you Joan, you are always very kind
Comment #60 Thursday, November 27, 2003 8:58 PM
Thanks a lot glowdark for your comment

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