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Updated Dec 14, 2005 by brewman

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Comment #141 Thursday, July 8, 2004 6:28 PM
Great skin, quite elegant. One of my favorites. But I'm having trouble with the Language Bar. I'm trying to display it in the Taskbar but no matter how I change the settings, it won't show. I have no problem with the Language Bar in other skins or no skin. Using WinXP Pro SP1, US system & set to the usual US Region. To activate the Language Bar, all I normally do is right-click on the TaskBar and it in the Toolbars submenu. Would love any suggestions... TIA!
Comment #142 Thursday, July 8, 2004 11:13 PM
New windowblinds themes keeps comin in but still your is the best....use it least i think so....well thanks thanks thanks thanks ALOOT... LOL LOL LOL LOL
Comment #143 Sunday, July 11, 2004 11:23 AM
I'm just trying it now... very nice job DogmaX. My only suggestions might be to smooth out the vertical taskbar gradient more, make the tastbar button type normal instead of italicized (looks a little odd) and maybe increase the contrast a little between the start panel type and the neat graphic background so the type reads just a little better. But other than that, everything else so far seems great! Keep up the good work.

Comment #144 Sunday, July 11, 2004 1:22 PM
any plans on an olive version?
Comment #145 Sunday, July 11, 2004 2:24 PM
Thanks for the nice comments. The changes are all subtle, but effective I think. color variations will be hard-coded, but you can use the color option
to make it any color you want.
@Concordant..I have smoothed out the vertical gradient taskbar. (not sure if it will
get posted as an update though).
@icurious.. don't know what to tell you about the language bar problem your speaking of.
@karima2007 @Joan Polishan.. I'm glad you really think that much of DogmaX. I appreciate
it. I've been using DogmaX from it's early conception ... about three months now. That's the longest period of time I've personally stuck with any skin.
Comment #146 Sunday, July 11, 2004 2:47 PM
dude if i were to pick only one WB skin for first place it would be urs TNX ALOT!!! LOL
sky shea
Comment #147 Sunday, July 11, 2004 11:22 PM
i think this is the best one i've seen so far, this one's for keeps. Keep up the good work brewman, there are some colorful and fancy looking ones out there, but i get sick of looking at it after a while. i've been using this one for couple of days now and still loving it. you got talent man! thanks alot!
Comment #148 Tuesday, July 13, 2004 12:44 AM
The best skin on!

Powered by SkinBrowser!
Comment #149 Tuesday, July 13, 2004 7:25 AM
This WB is just simply the best - Hands Down!

I must say, I have used DogmaX everyday since Brewman first shared this with us. I LOVE IT. This is the longest I've ever used a single WB. It is just THAT GOOD! Thank you so very much again -

AND, I do appreciate your updating too. Brewman you are on top of your game.

NOW... Would someone be ever so kind to make a BOOT & LOGON to round out this terrificly beautiful suite?!?!

*no tanlines*
Comment #150 Tuesday, July 13, 2004 7:55 PM
Simply excellent! Thank you!
Comment #151 Wednesday, July 14, 2004 11:20 AM
Brewman, i love this skin alot.. in your next update would you consider revamping the highlighted section on the start menu.. this is the only place your skin is lacking (as far as i'm concerned) instead of the typical solid blue square background, u think you could so something like what the DOJO skin has done.. either way, thank for the killer skin
Comment #152 Wednesday, July 14, 2004 11:22 AM
mm okay, this is an addon to my previous statement lol.. when i'm in internet explorer, when i file, edit, view, favorites, etc.. the highlighted part for those ions would be perfect for the highlighted part for the start menu. just a thought cya
Comment #153 Wednesday, July 14, 2004 11:28 AM
holy crap.. i just re-read my add-on statement and it made so much sense that i had to come back and correct it, haha .. here goes

what i meant to say is, when i'm in internet explorer, and i highlight file, edit, view, favorites, etc.. the highlighted part for that ion would be perfect for the highlighted part for the start menu the blocky solid blue square background just doesn't match the finesse and smooth look of everything else in your skin.. ok 'nuff said
Comment #154 Wednesday, July 14, 2004 3:45 PM
Comment #155 Wednesday, July 14, 2004 6:34 PM
After attempting to use over 20 different skins this is by far the best one I've seen so far. While the graphics on a few others impressed me a little more they usually have some aspect that becomes tiring to look at.

Suggestions, take 'em or leave 'em:

I changed the taskbar font to regular instead of italic.

On most menu's (right click on desktop) the separators are missing. I'm assuming this was done intentionally(?) but for more complicated menus this becomes hard to look at.

Ultimately it saddens me that I will not be able to use this theme on any of my production machines as for some reason while using VS.NET I cant see a lot of my controls inside my project. This only happens with this theme installed. Weird.

The XP Menu looks fine. However on the old menu while the submenus look fine the main start menu looks bad. I saw this on two machines while the third was fine. However other themes look fine on all three machines. What's happening is the icon images do not change with the highlighted area so there is break in the highlight.

I noticed a lot of times "bullets" get cut off. Usually the graphic for it gets cut off on the left. I'm guessing this graphic is too big? I usually only see this when space is very limited in a window.
Comment #156 Wednesday, July 14, 2004 9:13 PM
Thanks again for the very nice comments! They are very much appreciated.
@ISOHaven ... first time I've heard of these problems your describing.
If you would send me some screenshots, I'll take a look at it.
@n0tchthis ... I may change the highlight in the StartPanel if there is a
future update.
Comment #157 Wednesday, July 14, 2004 9:31 PM
funny you mention that ISOHaven, i did the same thing and changed the font to tahoma.. looks good to me now

Yeah brewman, if you would include that in a future update that would be absolutely super! Hell, i'll toss ya a few bucks via paypal if you want it, i love it.. cya
Comment #158 Thursday, July 15, 2004 4:42 AM
great accomplishment. Great skin. Sums it all up.
Comment #159 Thursday, July 15, 2004 7:40 AM
Actually ISOHaven's suggestion *would* make this already perfect WB, IMMACULATE.

Brewman, you have raised the bar of skinning to new heights here.

Thank you very much!
Comment #160 Thursday, July 15, 2004 7:45 AM
ACK! I flubbed that last message! I meant to say:

!! nOtchthis' !! suggestion *would* make this already perfect WB, IMMACULATE.

Apologies to both. But, nOtchthis has a very good suggestion for making DogmaX even better!

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