Mac OS X Tiger
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Mac OS X Tiger

Updated Mar 25, 2005 by Steve Grenier

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Comment #261 Wednesday, July 6, 2005 6:10 AM
are you sure you don't have this problem when maximize windows using brushed theme? :
Steve Grenier
Comment #262 Saturday, July 9, 2005 12:19 PM
Thats a WB error, minimize and restore the window after maximizing and it will be corrected.
Comment #263 Monday, July 11, 2005 12:25 AM
Always make sure you have the latest versions of all the programs. The newer versions of the programs might not generate that button problem. And I love this theme. Just the best, nothing best.
Taity Boy
Comment #264 Friday, July 15, 2005 5:46 AM
Hi i use object bar and used the skin for Mac OS X Tiger but it wont let me use it anymore as i have used it for 30 days. I reinstalled it but it still wouldn't let me use that skin and i can only use the skins that are supplied with it. Is there anyway to get around this without buying it? Anyone know?
Christer Borg
Comment #265 Monday, July 25, 2005 3:48 AM
Hi Steve!
Very nice skin, I love it, and I just have one problem with it. Sometimes in the buttons ("Ok", Cancel", and likewhise), the text is to long for the buttonframe. I run my computer in Swedish, and use Lucida Grande font. For example the word "Inställningar" (which is swedish for "Configurations") doesn´t fit. It´s no big problem; I know whats in the buttons, but sooner or later there will be a "newby" in front of my computer. How fix that?
Thank you for the answer, and best regards,
Christer Borg
Comment #266 Tuesday, July 26, 2005 4:26 AM
Hi again.
Here is a screnshot from my computer.

Comment #267 Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:56 PM
Hi, I just converted to WindowBlinds from VisualStyle because I think this theme is so beautiful! I have a similar question as Christer above. I notice that sometimes the button doesnt fit the entire word - I guess maybe this is due to WindowBlinds but I'm new to it. Is there a particular font size I have to reduce to make it look normal?

Here is a screenshot:

Comment #268 Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:58 PM
Here is the screenshot from the above post:) Also, I'm using a 15.4 inch widescreen notebook monitor. I'm not sure if that affects how the theme looks.
Christer Borg
Comment #269 Thursday, July 28, 2005 2:38 AM
Hi ghingy!
Do you think that one could use the Regedit and fix in the register?
I´ll try too look after some threads about this...
Steve Grenier
Comment #270 Saturday, July 30, 2005 1:29 PM
Ya I'm sorry the text doesn't fit but Windowblinds can only modify the button image, it cannot stretch it to fit the button title. It's a WB bug, not the theme. Sorry
Christer Borg
Comment #271 Monday, August 1, 2005 3:43 AM
Thank you for the answer Steve. Are you familiar with the guys programming/developing the WB? If so, can´t you tell them to fix this in next release? Your skin is VERY good, but this little thing turns in to something else...
Otherwise it´s, as I said, Ninjagreat!!!
Thanks again,
Neil Banfield
Comment #272 Tuesday, August 2, 2005 3:21 AM

Text not fitting in a button is not a WB bug, but a problem with the font used by the theme.  If it is too big then it simply cannot fit into the button.  Make the font smaller and the text will fit.

Christer Borg
Comment #273 Tuesday, August 2, 2005 7:24 AM
Hi Neil
I use Lucida Grande, and in Windows Blinds there are no option to resize the fonts in the buttons, just make them bigger in other places then buttons.
Do you know if one could change the fontsize in the buttons in the register? Or do you know which size the buttons use? Is it 12 or what?
Best regards,
Comment #274 Thursday, August 4, 2005 4:23 PM
How do you get the little box in the bottom middle? Thats why I've always wanted a Mac OS X theme. But I don't have it. Can someone help me?
Laibeus Lord
Comment #275 Friday, August 5, 2005 5:52 AM
the best man
Steve Grenier
Comment #276 Friday, August 5, 2005 4:35 PM
It is a WB bug, the text is to large to fit, but when that is the case in Windows, the buttons are resized to fit the text and/or modified shorting the label and adding "..."
Comment #277 Friday, August 5, 2005 5:50 PM
Hi ) I've got a liitle problem. The Apple Logo Start button is about 2 or 3 pixels above its right place. Therefore there is a dark line under the button and a little differense between the central line on the task bar and on the start button.
I use the last version of WB (4.51), WinXP SP2. The task bar is on top (the same when it's on bottom).
Does anybody know how to solve it?
Here's a screenshot:
Comment #278 Tuesday, August 9, 2005 10:56 AM
hey steven great work.
by the way, what are the widgets u use at the top right hand corner of the picture? the 3 that depict free disk space. would be nice if u could paste a url. thanks
Christer Borg
Comment #279 Wednesday, August 10, 2005 5:20 PM
Hi again Steve.
Is that a big problem for the developer guys to fix; buttons that size themselfes depending on the text?
Everything is great with the theme, but this problem drops the whole thing.
Tell me when you have talked to the guys! Must be the same problem with other themes...?
Steve Grenier
Comment #280 Friday, August 19, 2005 9:26 PM
The widgets I use can be found at the bottom of the article I wrote, for a link check the description. The reason why the start buttons is higher is because you are using a toolbar on the taskbar that is too large, remove all toolbars and it should be fine. Lastly we have talked and its not possible on the Windows platform to modify button size, instead we can change the button image and that is all. A side note, my next theme has updated push buttons that look round even when reduced very small and the text stays within the button on 95% of buttons, theres a few that are just at the edges, but none get cut off.

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