Bluminium V2.5
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Bluminium V2.5

Updated Apr 18, 2005 by BobbyLoopa

Comment #1 Tuesday, April 19, 2005 10:31 AM
Very nicely done. Not too hard on the eyes. I really like it!!!
Comment #2 Thursday, April 21, 2005 1:26 PM
It looks better on my desktop than it did in your screen shot. Quite nice. I like the style of the start menu but find the white (pale silver) too stark compared to the rest. It doesn't seem to like a quick launch toobar, the icons are cut in half and my taskbar is thicker that normal.Wider that your screen shot but not double. If I remove the QL toolbar it's normal. To me, the logoff screen isn't in keeping with the smoothness of the rest of the skin. Like the title bar and buttons.
Comment #3 Thursday, April 21, 2005 7:08 PM
tiger5901 - Thank you for the nice words on V1, since it's v2 now, hopefully you like it a bit more.

Pipsty - Yet another pesky cross-over effect. When making the skin that this one turned into, the blue-to-black ripple was a lot more common (see the wallpaper, made it for the first version), just something I forgot to change. it will be fixed in V3, if you can send me a screen shot of your problem, I will try to recreate it, then try to fix whatever is causing it. I have nothing on my quick launch bar, all of my icons are on the desktop or the start menu, so I'll try to add a few on my end to see what it does.

Everyone who makes skins - No one told me that this was so addictive. that I would be up till 3:45am tweaking a contents boundry when I have to get up for work at 7:45am....... Thanks for the help too.
Comment #4 Friday, April 22, 2005 3:11 AM
OK, I am a moron, did the 2.5 update, but forgot to upload the skin.....

Pipsty, everything you mentioned should now be fixed.

missed one item on the build sheet, I also recoloured the logoff screen background. bit less dramatic, but it plays with the overall theme a bit better.
Comment #5 Friday, April 29, 2005 10:03 PM
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