elsdee Light
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elsdee Light

Updated Jun 15, 2005 by danilloOc

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Comment #61 Sunday, June 19, 2005 9:59 PM
PGSONIC : i saw your issues screenshots on the e-mail you sent me and i noticed (by the systray icon)that you're running a old version of Windowblinds and that's why are you having this problems. this skin requeres the latest Windowblinds version 4.59 Build 209.
You can get the latest Windowblinds at https://www.stardock.com/products/windowblinds
or update your old version using Stardock Central https://www.stardock.com/products/sdcentral/

After you update it, your problems will disappear.
Comment #62 Monday, June 20, 2005 5:19 AM
Simply put. Fantastic!
Comment #63 Monday, June 20, 2005 11:54 AM
Night Train : thank you for support my friend.
Comment #64 Monday, June 20, 2005 6:53 PM
Comment #65 Monday, June 20, 2005 7:58 PM
I love this skin...but.. I just updated it with the new version just posted and now I get 'magic pink' at the corners of all my windows??
I have the latest ver. of windowblinds, I've re-applied the skin several times, any ideas?

Again, great great skin!
Comment #66 Tuesday, June 21, 2005 8:44 AM
Pele12 : your skin copy may get corrupted when you download it cause the update was
only for a font setting and couldn't cause this issue you said.

Try download a new copy and install it again.
OBS: you MUST delete your copy of the skin BEFORE install a new one or will not work.

If you have any more problems, please e-mail me at danilloOc @ gmail dot com and i can
try to make a custon version to help you.
Comment #67 Tuesday, June 21, 2005 12:25 PM
Great! Updating fixed all of my problems. I was using WindowBlinds 4.0 Build 002, found on a CD from Select-a-Ware and WUGNET. I got the latest and everything works perfectly. Man, if I'd known that this was the source of the problem weeks ago, I would've used a different skin by now! But I'm happy to find elsdee - it works in all situations and comes with EVERYTHING! Why not make skins for SysMetrix, IconPackager, and BeatNik, like your other skin sets?

Just a few questions: if "elsdee grey" is put in the main elsdee distribution, then why is there a seperate post for it? And why not put this skin in the main elsdee distribution (it might go from 8 stars to 10 stars)?

PS - This is much better than neOSB, but that looks good too.
Comment #68 Sunday, June 26, 2005 9:23 PM
PGSONIC: why not put all as a single skin? 1 - file size. 2 many sub-styles can make it too complicated to new users.
Comment #69 Wednesday, June 29, 2005 4:13 AM
Whoa - very nice skin. Congratulations. The attention to detail is very high. I think the only thing I would prefer is maybe a bit more colour!
Comment #70 Thursday, June 30, 2005 8:38 AM
Thank you Essorant, i'm glad you like Next works will come more colorful
Joan Polishan
Comment #71 Thursday, June 30, 2005 10:39 AM
Great skin as always.
Comment #72 Thursday, June 30, 2005 10:42 AM
This skin and neOSB have one thing in common - both having a comment by me saying "FINALLY! A PERFECT SKIN!"

Well, I just want to explain this.

You see, when I started being interested in skinning Windows back in April 2005, I was frantically looking for a "perfect skin." This meant that all of my programs showed text in the correct colors, and that all of the widgets in the applications were perfect, and that there was a place for the user icon and/or there was a user icon.

This was because I have low vision and did not know that updating WindowBlinds (I was using v4.0 build 002) fixed problems with other skins.

Now, I realize that the best way to search for skins is to search, download, install, and add to a collection.

This, and every other elsdee skin designed, is a classic and will be added to such collection. Who knows? Maybe, I'll use it most of the time.

PS - About the PS in my last comment, it was not until later that day that I saw that elsdee Grey and the grey color in the regular elsdee were two different skins, where elsdee Grey looked almost nothing like elsdee.
Comment #73 Tuesday, July 5, 2005 8:14 AM
Thank you Polishan and PGSONIC
Comment #74 Wednesday, July 6, 2005 6:09 PM
What's the name of the icons in the shot?
Comment #75 Thursday, July 7, 2005 9:56 AM
NeonGod : Flooter IP http://danillooc.wincustomize.com/viewskin.aspx?skinid=1191&libid=2&comments=1&SID=2950&UID=20239
Comment #76 Sunday, July 24, 2005 3:23 PM
Are you going to make icons to this version?

efter - Anett, Denmark
Comment #77 Sunday, July 24, 2005 3:29 PM
Forget my comment
Comment #78 Tuesday, July 26, 2005 7:31 AM
great skin, smooth and pixelated clear BUT Mozilla "shakes" often - annoying bug. and the start menu bar doesnt fit in narrow mode.
Comment #79 Tuesday, July 26, 2005 9:03 AM
pirvar : the "shake" thing is a know incompatibulity between some WindowBlinds and Mozilla skins, you can fix it by changing your Mozilla theme to another one.
About the start menu, i'm not sure if i understand what you mean, could you e-mail me a screenshot to danilloOc @ Gmail dot com i will repply it faster as possible.

PS: you need to run the latest version of WindowBlinds 4.6 (build 211) to get the skin working right.
Comment #80 Tuesday, August 16, 2005 2:58 AM
This is an amazing skin, danilloOc. No complaints here, I love everything about it!

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