Gray + Color Gloss
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Gray + Color Gloss

Updated Aug 01, 2005 by Billybobjoebobday

Comment #1 Monday, August 1, 2005 2:32 PM
I think its back to the old style, no more experiments with gloss...
Comment #2 Monday, August 1, 2005 4:22 PM
Why on earth are you saying " back to old style ?"
Nothing wrong with this blind at all...I have all your blinds and the fact that you've come this far at your age in such a short time is very impressive. need to come up with better names for the blinds. The name is boring. Plus..your preview in WB config doesnt have your name on the blind..its blank..
I know thats not a biggy, but you made it and you be proud and put your name on it.
Comment #3 Monday, August 1, 2005 4:23 PM
and im using it right now and think i'll leave it up.....
Comment #4 Monday, August 1, 2005 6:22 PM
I like your skin and the Gloss color is very nice and id say keep it up Gloss works so does the roll up and thanks for your time and effort it was a lot but worth it

So what do you say Bert? Well Ebert looks like two thumbs!
Comment #5 Monday, August 1, 2005 6:46 PM
Sorry, Fairyy, when I first checked on this skin the rating was a 2, and I guess its gone up signifigantly, thanks for the support, ill update it, I just forgot the name I guess. And wmsco thanks.
Comment #6 Tuesday, August 2, 2005 12:21 AM

Don�t be so quick to give up! Nothing wrong with this skin or the gloss effect, (which is very good btw )

I�ve got a couple of 2 star items in my Gallery too. Sometimes your work can be a hit , sometimes it�s not so much of a hit .

Determination is the key to improvement.

Comment #7 Tuesday, August 2, 2005 12:56 AM
Ya JAYdd is correct. Anyway
Comment #8 Tuesday, August 2, 2005 10:24 AM
I think this is a very clean and nice skin. If I could vote, I'd give it a 5/5. I do have some problems viewing the Logoff, Shutdown, Undock buttons, they're just black boxes but it's probably my comp needing a reboot rather than your skin. Similarly, the start menu mouse-over background is simply a red box instead of a glossy looking backgorund. I can't tell if that's my comp or the skin either. If it's the skin, a nice glossy background would complete the skin.

I'd say a good quality skin overall. Very nice for a beginner. Keep it up!
Comment #9 Tuesday, August 2, 2005 12:59 PM
Hey -- HillBilly -- The 'Gloss' is what we were talkin' about and you did a real good job on it.RED!-- It sure is red but with the options we have to change colors here,I've gotten some 'magical' results.The program page could be thinned if you put the title closer to borders.Colm's are too wide. In the area where you change the colors and brightness-darkness,that too is too wide.All and All kid,you're doing one heck of a job and every step forward is a giant leap toward that 5-Star skin!!!!! B!---
Comment #10 Tuesday, August 2, 2005 2:33 PM
Hmmm, I restarted my computer and I still don't see the shutdown/logoff/undock buttons on start menu and the start menu highlights are just simple red boxes.

Also, a subskin with regular start menu would be nice for those who like their start menu non-compact.

Again, otherwise a very clean and crisp skin. 5/5...
Comment #11 Tuesday, August 2, 2005 6:04 PM
i'll see if i can fix these problems in the update, I dont know why you dont see the logoff/shutdown boxes, i was having someproblems with it myself, and for some reason when i try to insert a subskin it turns into a classic style skin, another problem i have to figure out, but thanks for the comments.

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