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Updated Dec 30, 2005 by JJ Ying

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Comment #41 Monday, October 17, 2005 10:14 AM
PLEASE I NEED WINDOWS BLINDS 5 PLEASE SEND IT TO ME WITH SERIAL  please i need it i want to try this skin out please.

You can't really be that stupid to ask on a primarily Stardock based website? Or can you? I've seen it all now. Lol
The Headmaster
Comment #42 Monday, October 17, 2005 10:37 AM
I'd like to see a 100% fully transparent skin. I think you might be the one for the job. This one look real nice. I can't wait for WB5 to try it.
The Headmaster
Comment #43 Monday, October 17, 2005 12:08 PM
PLEASE I NEED WINDOWS BLINDS 5 PLEASE SEND IT TO ME WITH SERIAL  please i need it i want to try this skin out please.

I'm as sad as sadness can ever be, but I had to laugh at your comment.

Thank you for making me laugh
The Headmaster
Comment #44 Monday, October 17, 2005 12:14 PM
You can't really be that stupid to ask on a primarily Stardock based website? Or can you? I've seen it all now. Lol

Comment #45 Monday, October 17, 2005 12:18 PM
Well, I'm going to be the proverbial "black sheep" here and say that although, as one might expect at this point, the design cannot be questioned as to quality, the other side of the coin, however; functionality, gets a big "0" from me and thus I find this skin absolutely unusable. Why? Because the transparency/translucency of the Start Menu and drop down menus makes it nearly impossible to read the text in those items. I have the same observation and criticism of other skins that have a nearly 100% transparent Start Menu and/or drop down menus.
Comment #46 Monday, October 17, 2005 12:45 PM
Nice, but no transparent on vertical bar and no compact mode
Comment #47 Monday, October 17, 2005 5:14 PM
It's beautiful. I love it. This will be applied for weeks. You did an awesome job on this. Keep up the good work!
Comment #48 Monday, October 17, 2005 6:54 PM
From the ss, I thought hey, it looks decent, I'll try it out.

After applying this theme, I LOVE IT!!! Very nice work JJ.

I love the glassy effect you used w/ the start menu and the drop menus. Although sometimes a little hard to see until highlighted. It still looks great.
David Lewis
Comment #49 Tuesday, October 18, 2005 11:47 AM
I love it but I can't get any of the drop menus or start menu transparent - everything is a shade of grey. Any help?
Comment #50 Wednesday, October 19, 2005 1:06 PM
HI there new to WB's. Can someone tell me how I get the transparency?
Comment #51 Wednesday, October 19, 2005 1:06 PM
HI there new to WB's. Can someone tell me how I get the transparency?
Comment #52 Wednesday, October 19, 2005 5:42 PM
HI there new to WB's. Can someone tell me how I get the transparency?

1) The new WB skins with "transparency" (per pixel borders) are for the new WindowBlinds 5.0 which is currently in BETA.
2) Only those who have purchased "Object Desktop" and have installed "Stardock Central" are able to download WB 5.0 Beta.
3) You need a farily decent/new video card that supports per pixel rendering.
Comment #53 Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:04 PM
Great Skin JJ I love it... I have a strange occurance though...

I have WB4 & WB5 installed on my machine...

I'm getting a 'mix' of the Dreamland WB

Also... My START menu text is weird...

Any ideas??
Comment #54 Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:08 PM
I LOVE the skin but... I don't have a 'busy' icon on my ie window? I don't have WB5 because I'm a dork and bought all the stuff seperately over time so I have installed the other version. Am I missing something? Thanks for the GREAT work!
Comment #55 Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:14 PM
The pics I posted are gone??

nm... they're back lol
Comment #56 Thursday, October 20, 2005 7:04 AM
I also have 4.6 (PAID FOR) I've been to stardock and I see wb5 no where. I've been send my serial #s and everything but there is no info. about the updated version.

Comment #57 Thursday, October 20, 2005 7:05 AM
Oops I forgot to mention...
Beautiful Skin! Great work!
Comment #58 Thursday, October 20, 2005 12:15 PM
jord043, you must purchase OBJECT DESKTOP to get WB5 beta, you will not get it if you have WB4.I had WB4 but went down the route of purchasing OBJECT DESKTOP, if you upgrade from WB4 you get $10 off the cost,worth every penny, Jim
Comment #59 Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:30 PM
I too had a bit of trouble installing this skin. It worked just fine on my desktop machine, but won't play ball on the laptop. I tried all of the above suggestions and several of my own, but could fine no reason why this skin wouldn't appear as an option under "My Skins". The only way I could get it to load was to open it in SkinStudio Professional and click the "Apply this skin" button (SHIFT+F9).

One difference between my desktop and laptop is that the laptop definately doesn't support per-pixel borders (I checked this in the Troubleshooting option in WindowBlinds Configuration):

"Your machine does not support per pixel borders on WindowBlinds skins.

This is because :

Your computer graphics hardware does not support acceleration of per pixel alpha. WindowBlinds requires this for per pixel alphablended borders as without it performance would be poor. Please see if you can obtain new drivers for your graphics hardware. Recent ATI & NVIDIA boards should support this feature. Onboard graphics tend not to."

Any chance of supplying a corrected and updated .wba file, JJ Ying?

This skin looks just great with the suggested background from Kol Link and the Last Order: Candy Link icon pack from Rokey.
Comment #60 Friday, October 21, 2005 9:16 PM
Here is a response that I received from Stardock concerning the transparencies in WindowBlinds v4.6


In Windowblinds 4.x there weren't any 'actual' transparencies. It was all 'faked'. Windowblinds 5 skins won't work with Windowblinds 5 because transparencies are not supported."

So looks like we need version five to actually see this skin in all its glory


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