Bushido 2006
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Bushido 2006

Updated Feb 13, 2006 by BobbyLoopa

Comment #1 Monday, February 13, 2006 1:39 PM
A nice try --- !!

Concept is good and color choice is nice --- but this seems to be very very unfinished skin ... try giving it some good touches
Comment #2 Monday, February 13, 2006 4:40 PM
A skin you found?

is it your skin?
Comment #3 Monday, February 13, 2006 9:45 PM
I'd give it a 5 star rating, just because of the cute chick in the photo
Comment #4 Wednesday, February 15, 2006 1:28 AM
Ths skin is one that was uncomplete, I forgot about it when I started a new one based around the blade/metal and scabard concept. I found it before I formated my computer, posted it so that maybe I could complete it later.

I am the original author of the skin.

One thing I would like to point out is the Kenji that I used. That took a while to figure out.

The cute chick is my fiance, and she says it's a waste of time customizing my computer.

The Kenji on the buttons actually(according to the dictionary I used) means (from left to right) little, biggest, and gone. The start button says "starting a journey"

I don't remember what the shutdown menu says, but special thanks to royalty free photographers who let me use the wonderfull shut down image.
TN Brat!
Comment #5 Thursday, February 16, 2006 6:05 AM
Love the movie too, and was looking forward to seeing this skin, but there are many many things that make me unable to use this skin....I know I'm not a WB Skinner personally, but I would have liked to see this one cleaner. Like I don't care for the way the text is interrupted in the task bar...things like that here and there...then some of the images seem to have a "rounded" feel and others are "square" I look forward to an updated version.
Comment #6 Friday, February 17, 2006 11:44 AM
I must agree with TN Brat! The concept is great...and I like what I see so far. However, as for the taskbar buttons being segmented I find it is distracting...I would like to see them more like "indents", sort of like you see the holes on a bamboo flute. And the Logoff buttons don't do your great photo background justice. I really like the sliders, though! Am looking forward to seeing a more complete version.

Ps...customizing is never a waste of time!!! I consider it part of my overall home decorating scheme

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