Comment #42 Sunday, February 4, 2007 1:43 PM

Comment #43 Sunday, February 4, 2007 4:16 PM
The "outer" is the windows you see in the screenshot. (All blue title bar) The "inner" is the "non-perpixel" that you might see in open windows. (White text background) |
That's not at all how it's working here ...
What you're calling "the outer" is always displayed .... since i cut off section
Image=BluNite WB5\WindowFrameTop.tga
from the .uis file ... and then i get the 'inner" form. In the same time, but i already ask for it on Stardock forum ( �

I just wonder when Stardock will fix that #�$%# problem �

Comment #44 Sunday, February 4, 2007 5:31 PM
I'm not sure if you're mad at me or at WB itself. A little confused.
Comment #45 Sunday, February 4, 2007 6:57 PM
The "outer" is the windows you see in the screenshot. (All blue title bar) The "inner" is the "non-perpixel" that you might see in open windows. (White text background) |
It's not running at all like this here ... What you call "outer" is ALWAYS displayed and i never get the "inner" form ... unless i cut section:
Image=BluNite WB5\WindowFrameTop.tga
from the .uis file ... and then i get ALWAYS the "inner" displaying ...
I think this kind of thing is a WindowBlinds bug as the same way if [WindowFrame.TopPerPixel] is present you can't affect any sound to the min, max, close buttons (and you can't add buttons as previous WB4 was able to ...) ... and another bug comes with it if using Winamp / Sysmetrix ==> no scrolling texts are working

I just wonder when Stardock will fix that (i already talk about that in one thread over a forum here a long time ago ...

Comment #46 Sunday, February 4, 2007 7:00 PM
The "outer" is the windows you see in the screenshot. (All blue title bar) The "inner" is the "non-perpixel" that you might see in open windows. (White text background) |
It's not running at all like this here ... What you call "outer" is ALWAYS displayed and i never get the "inner" form ... unless i cut section:
Image=BluNite WB5\WindowFrameTop.tga
from the .uis file ... and then i get ALWAYS the "inner" displaying ...
I think this kind of thing is a WindowBlinds bug as the same way if [WindowFrame.TopPerPixel] is present you can't affect any sound to the min, max, close buttons (and you can't add buttons as previous WB4 was able to ...) ... and another bug comes with it if using Winamp / Sysmetrix ==> no scrolling texts are working �

I just wonder when Stardock will fix that (i already talk about that in one thread over a forum here a long time ago ... �

Comment #47 Sunday, February 4, 2007 7:03 PM
The "outer" is the windows you see in the screenshot. (All blue title bar) The "inner" is the "non-perpixel" that you might see in open windows. (White text background) |
It's not running at all like this here ... What you call "outer" is ALWAYS displayed and i never get the "inner" form ... unless i cut section:
Image=BluNite WB5\WindowFrameTop.tga
from the .uis file ... and then i get ALWAYS the "inner" displaying ...
I think this kind of thing is a WindowBlinds bug as the same way if [WindowFrame.TopPerPixel] is present you can't affect any sound to the min, max, close buttons (and you can't add buttons as previous WB4 was able to ...) ... and another bug comes with it if using Winamp / Sysmetrix ==> no scrolling texts are working

I just wonder when Stardock will fix that (i already talk about that in one thread over a forum here a long time ago ...

Comment #48 Sunday, February 4, 2007 9:20 PM
I "think" I get what you mean. The fact that the title bar buttons don't have the extra features that the regular windows do.
Am I correct?
Just a thought. Open up the WB configure window.
Select "View My System Information".
Make sure "Never use per-pixel borders on a skin" is marked and you will always get the (White text background).

Comment #49 Sunday, February 4, 2007 11:04 PM
Only problem I see, is when I click the start menu and the close it. It leaves top top part of the start menu on my screen |
I get that sometimes, also. Maybe something to do with sysmetrix, as for years now my desktop icons only show up if I run sysmetrix first. When I get the leftover start menu junk, I hit "show icons", & the desktop refreshes when the icons show up. I'll have to try your solution of "F5" the next time it happens. Only does it if I'm using Admin. acct, not on Guest or others...? Could be hangover from Hoverdesk or something back in 2001 I ran on this PC. Hairballs...
Sorry for hijack, Z71. Always grabbed your themes as soon as they posted. This one's no exception. Great to have it with all the WB5 bells and whistles. Good to see you making skins for us all. Thanks!!
Comment #50 Monday, February 5, 2007 9:36 AM

Comment #51 Monday, February 5, 2007 10:15 AM
I'm not sure if you're mad at me or at WB itself. A little confused. |
About WB �

Is there some bizzaro purpose for posting the same thing 4 times? |
Yep, Wincustpmize website troubles �

"think" I get what you mean. The fact that the title bar buttons don't have the extra features that the regular windows do. |
Not sure you get what i mean ... BluNite is done by defaut with per pixel top-frame right ? Though with that i NEVER get the "inner" displaying (and of course no possibility to get sounds on
buttons ...)
Just a thought. Open up the WB configure window. Select "View My System Information". Make sure "Never use per-pixel borders on a skin" is marked and you will always get the (White text background). |
Ooooooppssss, never saw that possibility LoL, thanks for the tip �

Comment #52 Monday, February 5, 2007 11:23 AM

Yes, don't get me started on the website problems.....I understand.

You do have it backwards about the default though. The non per-pixel is the default. The per-pixel is an added bonus, like toolbars and animations. We don't "have" to do them but we do anyway. People don't realize how much work goes into creating WBs now.
I remember, back in the day, you could ask for a WB at breakfast and it would be ready by lunch. They were extremely easy. Now it takes all of 3 weeks or more, depending on how good it is.

Comment #53 Monday, February 5, 2007 1:05 PM
Now it takes all of 3 weeks or more, depending on how good it is. |
Oh i could understand that very well �

What i can less understand is why Stardock brings a WB5 version (with per pixel feature) which gives much more work for skinners to bring at the end not much more for the users of the blind (and even less ... �

Comment #54 Monday, February 5, 2007 1:16 PM
And hey, don't forget the transparency that everybody loves.
Well, some people do anyways.....

Comment #55 Monday, February 5, 2007 3:16 PM
And hey, don't forget the transparency that everybody loves |
Transparency ok for it but for me it's really stupid to get it on the Windows border frames ... (or perhaps in some very very rare cases ...)
Comment #57 Sunday, March 4, 2007 6:31 AM

Great skin, easy on the eyes ...and updated well. Thanks Z71, appreciate your work.

Comment #58 Sunday, March 4, 2007 1:44 PM
Glad you found your way to the skin. Enjoy!

Comment #60 Tuesday, March 6, 2007 2:50 PM
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Comment #41 Sunday, February 4, 2007 11:29 AM