Vienna for Vista
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Vienna for Vista

Updated May 14, 2007 by vStyler

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Comment #41 Monday, May 14, 2007 12:44 PM
This is just super - thanks
Comment #42 Monday, May 14, 2007 2:13 PM
The only real Master Skinner. The last great "Master Skinner" theme was by YY Jing and it didnt even support Vista. I couldn't even use the Start Menu search, and yet he couldn't even add support for that, much less anything in and around Vista. This theme not only kills it in looks, but kills it in functionality. I still do not understand why John isn't a Master Skinner yet. His themes were brilliant as msstles (although bigger) and they are even more brilliant in WB and Vista. Why you let the best skinner on WC not be a Master, I simply do not understand.

Hands down, the best skin at the moment, that is until the next skin of his rolls around. YY Jing, are you watching? This man is going to take your job soon! If this theme was a premium theme, I might even consider buying it. From what I've seen, its even more complete than Optix.
Comment #43 Monday, May 14, 2007 2:58 PM

I totally agree with you Cin Ful! I think you meant JJ Ying though...
Comment #44 Monday, May 14, 2007 3:05 PM
Good works vStyler Fantastic skin..
Comment #45 Monday, May 14, 2007 6:21 PM
ahhh... good lookin out Purball..Forgot to delete a couple of files needed to clear WB cache and let those buttons function correctly, will update soon. Temporarily u should be able to delete all the WB4 files and re-apply and it should be ok. One of those half assed problems were having to deal with before wb6.

Thx everyone else for your gracious praise of my work, I am very grateful for every one.

EDIT : Fixed, re-download if you downloaded earlier. Thanks again Purball.

Woot! Thanks for fixing it.
Elsius Saint
Comment #46 Monday, May 14, 2007 6:39 PM
@ CiN FuL

Vstyler is already a master and does not really need it next to his name. The advantage of Masters here is that they can sell any particular skin here. All they have to do is hand the skin to stardock and they will take care of the sell for 50% of revenue. Vstyler already has his own thing going. He's been selling suit for a long time time. It took other skinners here a lot of hard work to have the Master status. Even though you're real good, you have to work with the community first. By the way Vstyler is doing, he will have the Master status in no time. I don't think selling full suits have anything to do with having a master status. If you have a complete and hot suit, Stardock will sell it. It will only go under stardock name and the artist will still get his/her share.

I don't think it was nice of you to bring JJ Ying down because he has nothing to do with any of this - He has done his part in the community.

Both Vstyler and JJ Ying are two of the front top skinners, and I would rather see them work together. I want both of them. They are greatness.

Comment #47 Monday, May 14, 2007 6:43 PM
is this the first skin for vista?
Comment #48 Monday, May 14, 2007 8:46 PM
I agree Saint we all need to work together to accomplish what is ahead of us all.To fully skin the new OS and to encourage all other new skinners to try harder to do their best!
JJ Ying is a very good skinner and there are several others here with just as good skins as anyone else.
Skinning is work - but it is expression - not the money! That makes it worth it!
Every skinner works hard to get his skin the best it can be.
John Vstyler has only done what he does best and that is create another skin for Vista. Soon there will be many more. Being a Master is just that - being "The Master". But not Master of all!
Master Skinners have earned what they now have and many more will soon follow. If they continue to try harder and attain the master status...
Master skins are always better [suppose to be anyway]. That with whatever others opinions may be of it too!

Myself I'll buy any master skin if I like it! If I don't then - then I don't.
If I can say something good to help a master skinner - I will
But I will never bring one down - no way - they are always trying to do better and I don't want that to ever stop!

Comment #49 Monday, May 14, 2007 8:54 PM
You never fail to amaze. WoW, Awesome skin. �� Thanks for sharing �
Comment #50 Monday, May 14, 2007 9:19 PM
what a great skin!!!!!!!
Comment #51 Tuesday, May 15, 2007 8:51 AM
Please start assigning version numbers when you make fixes so that we know we have the latest version. Thanks!
Comment #52 Tuesday, May 15, 2007 9:27 AM

- this wb works great in both vista & xp, great job on this!!!
Comment #53 Tuesday, May 15, 2007 9:46 AM
so that we know we have the latest version.

There IS only one version, it was updated one time and that is indicated in the description �
Comment #54 Tuesday, May 15, 2007 9:50 AM
Very very nice skin! The only problem I've noticed is that, in Outlook 2007, the "Rules and Alerts" dialog box is not shown properly, and filtering rules cannot be edited (see image). I also had this issue with Adrenaline, which is the only other theme I've tried on Vista, so maybe it's a WindowBlinds and/or Vista issue. Fortunately I don't have to edit the rules very often, but it would be great if there was a fix/workaround. Great work!

Comment #55 Tuesday, May 15, 2007 10:12 AM
If It was an issue in Adrenaline too then it's more than likely something that you will need wb6 to fix \ Vista issue. I don't have Outlook 2007 so i can't look into it, you may to ask Pixel Pirate if he does.
Comment #56 Tuesday, May 15, 2007 3:04 PM
Am I the only person who cant get this skin to work? I get left with no window borders and taskbar in classic mode with no start button
Comment #57 Tuesday, May 15, 2007 3:26 PM
Apparently so ChefAnim, I would suggest completely remove the Vienna folder from WB folder and redownload.. something may have happened upon installation. Otherwise I dunno.. Theme works fine.
Comment #58 Tuesday, May 15, 2007 3:38 PM
vStyler... it gets stranger than that... I tried what you suggested, and the Vienna folder doesnt even exist in the windowblinds folder. so I tried DLing it again, and same thing, folder is nowhere on my computer. any ideas?
Comment #59 Tuesday, May 15, 2007 3:40 PM
OK.. when you are POSITIVE u have NO Vienna folder in ur windowblinds folder.. and You have another theme applied. Go to download button.. right click it > Save target as > Save to desktop.
Then using WBconfig > Add New SKin > Browse to desktop > Choose Vienna.wba and Apply.
Comment #60 Tuesday, May 15, 2007 3:45 PM
I Downloaded the zipped version from DA, created my own Vienna Vista folder and now its working great. I love the skin. Thank you so much!

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