Tom's Star Wars Theme 2
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Tom's Star Wars Theme 2

Updated Jun 23, 2007 by Jeditharcus

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Comment #21 Thursday, June 28, 2007 11:10 AM
FYI I used Paint shop pro XI for the most part actually(paint doesn't have a chrome color), and JamesPoel,I was checking out what you have done and I can't seem to find anything by you? I even checked out your home page! I would really like to see a skin from you so you could show me how good you are since you seem to think my blind is so crappy.I and the other 620 people who seem to like it enough to download it seem to be happy with it. Those are the people who count to me not the naysayers after all when The Phantom Menace came out all I heard was that Jar Jar Binks should never have been in the movie and that the movie sucked but there obviously was enough people who liked the movie as it went to the best seller status almost immediately and the naysayers aren't even heard from anymore.I never let other people's comments stop me from watching it when it came out and I loved it.Just like I love how my blind turned out.I just would really like to see something that you have done since you seem to think you are sooo good. As for everyone else,Thank you all for your support and I will have a new blind coming out soon so watch the skies lol.
Comment #22 Thursday, June 28, 2007 11:13 AM
Oh and the Medulla Oblongata is that little dangly thing in your mouth that hangs down and prevents you from swallowing your tongue in your sleep.LOL
Comment #23 Thursday, June 28, 2007 11:15 AM
Hello again drzues
Comment #24 Sunday, July 1, 2007 9:59 AM
Dude, you shouldn't take comments so to heart, stop complaing when people give you sh*t and stop thanking everyone individually who say they like it. I've learnt if you can't take the critics simply don't read what they say.

And just because people downloaded it doesn't nessesarily mean that its super amazing and they love it to bits, I download most skins on here just to get a better picture of how it works when being used.

And I think you need to steal more idea's from other people's work as you clearly have of SG1 episodes .
Comment #25 Sunday, July 1, 2007 10:51 PM
Pirateeskimo, Phhhhhhhhhhhhhhht! I really wouldn't call what I was doing up until now complaining but when I am told something that is obviously wrong I have the right to correct them after all they are talking to me aren't they? Also If I wish to say thanks or hi to anyone that is my perogitive and also how do you "steal" something that is free? Obviously you have never heard of a t.v. tuner card and dsl. yes I have downloaded stuff from emule but if it is free to copy on a tuner card then how come it is "stealing" if I use emule.There are legitimate uses for filesharing you know. Also all I said was that it was good enough to download I did not say anything close to "super amazing" and that they "love it to bits".You must be really good friends with JamesPoel to get so worked up about some little comment I made to him to exaggerate so much and to defend him so fiercely. P.S. this is complaining you nerfherder!
Comment #26 Sunday, July 1, 2007 10:52 PM
Comment #27 Monday, July 2, 2007 10:52 PM
I like the overall layout and concept -- it's a little rough around the edges (figuratively) in some spots, but it's a good first skin.
Comment #28 Monday, July 2, 2007 11:00 PM
Thanks dave86 and I agree with you,compared to many of the better skins out there I have seen it is a little rough around the edges but I am learning and I'm sure the next one will be better. At least so far it is looking that way.
Comment #29 Tuesday, July 3, 2007 2:05 AM
its no biggie Jed, glad to see it finally up here, lets hope your new skin has the added tips I told you about last time...... just remember 'usability, compatability' ect... �

you will get there, ps if someone is being critical, ask them WHY and make em pinpoint the reasons....then you can learn ect......
Comment #30 Tuesday, July 3, 2007 7:00 AM
Big Hello to kittymalone and thx for the tips!
Comment #31 Tuesday, July 3, 2007 9:05 PM
Keep it up Jedi....they got nothin on you and you still have the 1st amendment. Just keep working and you'll do just fine. & yes I spelled nothin wrong intentionally so the hillbillies would understand when their mailmen read this response for them.
Comment #32 Tuesday, July 3, 2007 9:56 PM
Comment #33 Thursday, July 5, 2007 9:10 AM
Don't let the empty heads put you off Jeditharcus,your contribution here is infinitely more than theirs.Peace.�

Message to the emptyheads,if you don't like it and think you can do better why don't you try and produce something yourselves?instead of just making smug smartass comments.Do you talk to people like that in the street or at work?If you do you should expect a lifetime of inpromptu dental work.
Comment #34 Saturday, July 14, 2007 1:17 AM
Thanks for the backup bobbyhundreds and peace to you as well! I wish the rest of the world would remember that word,then maybe we as a species might just make it. I'm sure that some of these "critics" are missing a few teeth,either that or they have a monthly account set up with thier dentists to pay for all of those partials and caps lol �����
Comment #35 Saturday, July 14, 2007 2:25 AM
ok jack od is here to set some rules. u don't have the right to a fair trial here at second. none of u have the right to an attorney. third. i rule funky town! go to if u think ur tough enough for school.
Comment #36 Saturday, July 14, 2007 2:27 AM
also the theme is crap and thats why i didnt download it. no offense. just make a better 1 or leave it to the professionals. like jack mcgurk of industries! am i right folks? am i right!
Comment #37 Saturday, July 14, 2007 4:03 AM
I looked at your site as well and guess what folks,,, jeerkMcqueerk has not one thing done by him so does his opinion count? NOT!!! I will say that I am amazed that a 24 yr old would know what Funkytown is. Since he hasn't done any skins I wonder exactly what he is a professional of?? wink wink nudge nudge LMAO�
Comment #38 Monday, July 16, 2007 9:25 PM
its not to say i havent done anything, its just you dont kn0w how 2 find it. btw, ur skin is the lowest ranking wb skin out there. congrats! jack mcgurk owns u yet again!
Comment #39 Tuesday, July 17, 2007 2:50 AM
Comment #40 Tuesday, July 17, 2007 3:03 AM
Does it make you feel like a big man when you lie to people like this? Trying to use my site to try to validate your manhood? This is the last time I will respond to you as I don't have time for losers like you. Bye Bye Jeerk McQueerk!�

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