Wolverine v1.0
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Wolverine v1.0

Updated Oct 13, 2007 by unclerob

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Comment #21 Monday, October 15, 2007 10:26 AM
just a question uncle rob. since WB6 is out and hopefully SK6. will u do an update for all those marvel skin that u already made? and one thing more, just trying my luck here... would u do an IRONMAN skin?��
Comment #22 Monday, October 15, 2007 11:24 AM
I'm a little bit afraid to touch sks6 - I keep reading about disgruntled users discussing some negative issues with it in the forums so I'm not sure about that. I do have wb6.

IRONMAN... hmmm... anything's possible? �
Comment #23 Monday, October 15, 2007 12:40 PM
hey awesome skin, i love it!! any chance on a wolverine curser?? now that would top this over the edge for me!
Comment #24 Monday, October 15, 2007 2:22 PM
Nice blind Unc!

I'm a little bit afraid to touch sks6 - I keep reading about disgruntled users discussing some negative issues with it in the forums so I'm not sure about that. I do have wb6.

I believe a lot of the gripes with Sks6 were concerning the beta version. I haven't tried the final yet either, but fully intend to �
Comment #25 Monday, October 15, 2007 2:52 PM
Thanks CivilWarrior, I never created a cursor before, wolverine is definitely a great subject matter for it, who knows... anything is possible, thanks for the nice words!

Hey 2of3, I'm glad you liked the blind, it was a very fun project, looking forward to your trek themed work coming soon. I want to try sks6, I'm afraid that once I install it, I won't be able to get my sks5 pro version back just in case I don't like v6.
Comment #26 Monday, October 15, 2007 4:08 PM
i have the same problem with the start button. once pushed, the claws are hidden behind the menu.
Comment #27 Monday, October 15, 2007 6:21 PM
Sorry , ment to put I have a horizontal task bar and both animations get covered up on my machine in XP not Vista, Have sent screenshots.
Comment #28 Monday, October 15, 2007 11:19 PM
ahhh woow my friend this is great i luv what u did. Ironman will be awesome if you do it. thanks for all your work we appreciated
Comment #29 Monday, October 15, 2007 11:37 PM
Hi Teecha/Kinger, can you check the following settings:
if your start menu is too tall, it could be covering the start button.
I checked it out and when I have quite a few programs listed in my start menu, I see the same thing happen on my end some times. Try reducing the number of programs shown in your start panel (example lower it down to 6-9 items), try also using small instead of large icons, also try resizing the taskbar up & down & up again to force the start button to be redrawn again. Let me know how it works, I am very interested in hearing if any of these worked.

Comment #30 Tuesday, October 16, 2007 12:04 AM
So nice work!~
Comment #31 Tuesday, October 16, 2007 1:18 AM
thanks lypnjtu!!! ��
Comment #32 Tuesday, October 16, 2007 11:58 AM
Tried all your sugestions. Even went to 1 program in start menue. Already using small icons.Shrunk the taskbar way up and down several times. Even reboted. Same result.Wonder if anyone else having the problem is running a ATI All-In Wonder Video Card. I get issues with this card quite often.
Comment #33 Tuesday, October 16, 2007 5:46 PM
One word.....WOW�
Comment #34 Tuesday, October 16, 2007 10:46 PM
Hi Teecha/Kinger,

I think the reason why thats happening is because you guys are using wb5 try wb6 and you'll see that it works fine. .
Comment #35 Tuesday, October 16, 2007 10:53 PM
Uncle Rob,

What you did with the Claw is awesome your ideas out of this world I'm a big superhero fan and the work that you do is trully the best. I don't know whats your favorite superhero but mine is Superman and I dont know what theme you plan to create next. However, I hope that you one day create a Superman Theme.

Thanks For All And I'll be Glad to help you Test your skins in the future, and I'm eager to start with the FF4.

Thanks again Uncle Rob For taking the time to post and share your wonderful work.
Comment #36 Tuesday, October 16, 2007 11:35 PM
Actually Wolverine was created in a winxp environment using WB5 which supports features like oversized start buttons. I've been using oversized start buttons in a lot of blinds so I'm kind of at a loss as to why it's not working for some people. As per my screenshot and a few other users, I do know that the start button with the claws does work - I would really love to find out why it's not working for some. Kinger eluded to some problems with video card compatibility, I'm wondering if that's the same problem so other users are experiencing as well - it's really quite frustrating to hear that it doesn't work for everybody, I worked pretty hard to get the claws start button to work the way it did, hearing that it doesn't work for some means that not everyone gets to see the fist with the claws popping out as I intended - I'm sorry for any frustration this has caused people who have downloaded & used this blind. If I have any further info on this, I'll post it here, I hope others would do the same if they come up with any reasons as to why this is happening.

Hi Calal, thanks again for testing out my wolverine blind for me, I really appreciate the time you put into testing the multiple release candidates that I sent to you & Kostandine.

I think a Superman blind is very possible in the near future - my only concern is the complaints I've rec'd from a few users who don't like the fact that I'm using artwork from marvel & dc to create my comic book themed windowblind skins. If I do intend to go through with it, I'll definitely keep you posted as a tester for the blind when it's available. Thanks again for the great feedback, I love hearing it. �
Comment #37 Saturday, October 20, 2007 10:43 PM
Cool Skin, but as soon as my girlfriend saw the preview of the blind. she was reminded of a birds eye view of a guy eating something not on the regular menu. When she mention it, Ya know she's right!
Comment #38 Monday, October 22, 2007 10:39 PM
Very, very nice...thanx
Comment #39 Monday, October 22, 2007 11:22 PM
I love that someone's finally paying homage to our favorite titles.
Your talent is just amazing.
Comment #40 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 12:35 AM
Steve, Catamaran, AHiL, thank you all for your great comments - it really makes the time invested in these skins even more worthwhile!!! �

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