Rise of Mezzanine
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Rise of Mezzanine

Updated Apr 07, 2010 by Vampothika

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Comment #21 Thursday, March 20, 2008 1:57 PM
Kitty Malone strikes again! I love this!!! Awesome job as usual! �
Comment #22 Thursday, March 20, 2008 2:04 PM
Excellent looking skin, best of luck...
Comment #23 Thursday, March 20, 2008 3:20 PM
thanks for everyones kind comments....no voidcore the taskbar isnt diamond, its called "luna". John,I will investigate what you have found, thanks for the input... As for the wallpaper, I personally just did a google search for some of Giger's work, Im sure those who are after it will find it no worries, its pretty easy to find.
Comment #24 Thursday, March 20, 2008 4:25 PM
thanks for everyones kind comments....no voidcore the taskbar isnt diamond, i just used the same measurments as I wanted the same style of taskbar but didnt know what measurements would fit, its my own shape, own shading, own colour, own stroke and own design
Im sorry but isn't it a little bit too close to say its your own design? I only took a look at the taskbar... And im not out to get you!! i even like the diamond theme and thinks its a great design But a girl with your art skills should not need to mimic others.. Also there is a problem with the margins on the start menu.. but with that layout i don't know if its fixable.. it occurs when you have no items on the left side... also i get allot of magicpink here and there.. maybe just me. (Image removed by moderator 20/3/8 21:49)
Comment #25 Thursday, March 20, 2008 4:39 PM
voidcore, enough already,i have already responded and that should be enough for you. I refuse to explain any further. Its Luna default image recoloured, get over it, everyone DOES it. It is my own design, so what if i decided to use the same general idea for task and sizing bar, it dosent make it a stolen image. Move on and stop trolling me. I will not take the bait again in this subject, and If i recieve any further trouble, i will be informing the mods.....
Comment #26 Thursday, March 20, 2008 4:48 PM
.....as for the majik pink on the startmenu....it must be a glitch with you pc, that whole area is png .........(shrugs)
Comment #27 Thursday, March 20, 2008 4:54 PM
Ill leave you alone.. no probs just think you can do better with your skills... Sorry i cared... And to the startmenu prob is contentmargin issue on the rightside.. Check your margins... Great skin, your own style ..most of it.. too bad. Magicpink is on the scrollbars mouseover not on the startmenu..
Fuzzy Logic
Comment #28 Thursday, March 20, 2008 4:57 PM

voidcore If you believe there are issues with a skin please contact one of the moderation team for clarification rather than post on someone's skin comments. Inaccurate or false accusations in public can do a great deal of needless harm.

I have examined this skin and all is fine. Please leave it at that.

Comment #29 Thursday, March 20, 2008 4:57 PM
Sorry for doublepost.. Heres an image...
Comment #30 Thursday, March 20, 2008 5:46 PM
He's straight trippin' fo` those who use few icons on they start menu or smizzay icons.. its gonna look bad dogg. Sum-m Sum-m tizzy is handy ta test fo` while blunt-rollin' tha skizzin or ask a bizzle testa to. If u remove all but a couple of icons fizzle ur start menu u can check useabilty at killa sizes. As you can see , it is cut off on left side with icons hanging over on right......... Scrolls..here. [URL=http://imageshack.us][/URL] Their also not centered vertically, not sure if u noticed.
Comment #31 Thursday, March 20, 2008 6:57 PM
i will fix and check glitches after the competition.....i cannot pull it now to make changes..... thanks for the input............
Comment #32 Thursday, March 20, 2008 8:20 PM
Kitty, you're not out there, you're just gone, baby, gone. This has to be one of your wildest skins yet.
While other people are having nightmares about mosters or things crawling under their bed, you probably have nightmares about fluffy bunnies and wearing pink in public. Scary. �
� Love it.
Comment #33 Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:19 PM
Thanks Ross.........(huggles) � .......if you have time, in a few days, would you mind if i sent you the vista version to check out for any errors and such? oh! and good luck in the comp!, i know yr gonna kick ass for sure.
Comment #34 Thursday, March 20, 2008 11:58 PM
Send away Kitty. �
And good luck, also.
Comment #35 Friday, March 21, 2008 1:39 AM
best one yet- this takes your work into a new realm. I really like this and it is very useable too. The min/max/res buttons are gorgeous!!! Seriously- this is the best and most innovative skin I have seen on here in a long long time!
Comment #36 Friday, March 21, 2008 1:41 AM
[quote][/quote] This skin is very nice Kitty... you have a real talent...i have your skin, but am waiting for the vista version as well.... i just can't find the wallpaper...i looked at H.R. Gigger's site but it doesn't look the same....any way you could e-mail me the one you use on your desktop? anyways thanks for the awesome skin.....Jase
Comment #37 Friday, March 21, 2008 1:44 AM
Jase, just do a google image search of h.r.giger....you dont have to go to his personal site.... his stuff is practically plastered on the net mate......you will find it...�� and thanks for your kind comments........
Comment #38 Friday, March 21, 2008 3:24 AM
Voidcore....fyi.....i logged back into xp just awhile ago to test my startmenu and see where the problem lies with the skin......and to my suprise, mine did not shrink down like yours has...im supplying a pic so you can see. Im at a total loss to why my skin is acting like that on yr pc...its really a problem i havent faced before, and I dont have any solutions. I am sorry for the inconvenience. hmmm.....on a side note, i turned off everything so nothing was showing in advanced (in the menu properites section, and set the number of progs showing down to '1')
Comment #39 Friday, March 21, 2008 7:28 AM
You have 7 progams showing...not 1. U have to unpin the bold ones. Cmon kitty where is ur head ��Skinning 101 �
Comment #40 Friday, March 21, 2008 8:37 AM
Thanks for looking into it Sorry if i ticked you off, You are a great artist.. thats why i opened my big mouth. Great skin and best of luck... and to the left are recent programs showing which stretches the menu.. im probably just one of those few who like to have no recent history on my pc showing

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