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Updated Apr 29, 2008 by Imzadi

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Comment #1 Tuesday, April 29, 2008 6:12 PM
Very nice Imzadi, I like all your work, it's different, in a good way though. Congrats!!�� on your new blind �
Comment #2 Tuesday, April 29, 2008 6:16 PM
Can you tell where I can get the wall. I found it. Great wall also
Jeff T
Comment #3 Tuesday, April 29, 2008 7:02 PM
Nice. Well done.
Comment #4 Tuesday, April 29, 2008 7:08 PM
Very well done, but then I like all your stuff. These colors go great together. Thanks. ���Looks a heck of a lot better than a shovel. ���
Comment #5 Tuesday, April 29, 2008 7:15 PM
Wallpaper is here
Comment #6 Tuesday, April 29, 2008 7:15 PM
Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments. And yes, hopefully it does look better than a shovel.
Comment #7 Tuesday, April 29, 2008 8:26 PM
Very unique... Looks great! Thanks
Comment #8 Tuesday, April 29, 2008 10:09 PM
Quite nice, congratulations. Looking forward to more by you, you have a nice touch.
Comment #9 Tuesday, April 29, 2008 10:53 PM
---- Pretty GOOD-- Fonts a bit big but better to see you my dear. Only loser is the work space in my Paintshop Pro. Reversed color would be Grand.Too bright.
Comment #10 Wednesday, April 30, 2008 12:58 AM
Thanks WMHannah, JinnRikki and blazeaway! Sorry about that, blazeaway. I use Photoshop, and in that program the background is light gray. What color is it coming up for you?
Comment #11 Wednesday, April 30, 2008 2:11 AM
Imzadi......please dont take this the wrong way, im not trying to be mean or anything, but helpful.... i think you need to be careful when you mention the word "vista" in a non vista blind...i have vista and just tried it.... there were heaps of things in vista that were not skinned, and my little search icon in the search box was half way down the search box..... plus there are things which are obviously not aligned with the vista style..... im saying this cause, people who have vista and see the word 'vista' mentioned in a wb, automatically think its for vista...(and usually is...) So next time.......well.....i think you know..... yet again.....please dont take me the wrong way, i am only meaning to be helpful and insightful to your future blinds.......�� hmm....on the photoshop subject.: i got a black work background and a green fading down to grey drop down menu.......but the font was unreadable..�
Comment #12 Wednesday, April 30, 2008 5:18 AM
Using Vista looks good on mine.
Comment #13 Wednesday, April 30, 2008 7:28 AM
from a non skinners point of view...perhaps.... Imzadi knows what im talking about.........
Comment #14 Wednesday, April 30, 2008 5:17 PM
It looks fine on my Vista laptop, that's why I mentioned the "V" word in my description. I didn't skin the Vista stuff, which is why I didn't label it as Vista Ready. Sorry you were confused.
Comment #15 Wednesday, April 30, 2008 7:33 PM

Includes a start menu that will work with both XP and Vista
It looks fine on my Vista laptop, that's why I mentioned the "V" word in my description. I didn't skin the Vista stuff, which is why I didn't label it as Vista Ready. Sorry you were confused.
Then I am also confused as kittymalone!. If you didn't skin the "vista stuff", why mention vista at all in your description???
Comment #16 Wednesday, April 30, 2008 9:51 PM
Sorry, didn't mean to confuse anybody. It looks fine on my Vista-installed computer. I was just saying that it works on Vista as well as XP. Some start menus can't be used with Vista at all because they're an odd shape or too small..etc. I made this one to work with both. That's why they have the option (with the icon) to label something Vista Ready. I didn't label it Vista Ready. I just said that the start menu worked with it. This is the first time I've seen anybody confused by this.
Comment #17 Wednesday, April 30, 2008 10:34 PM
Sorry, didn't mean to confuse anybody. It looks fine on my Vista-installed computer. I was just saying that it works on Vista as well as XP. Some start menus can't be used with Vista at all because they're an odd shape or too small..etc. I made this one to work with both. That's why they have the option (with the icon) to label something Vista Ready. I didn't label it Vista Ready. I just said that the start menu worked with it. This is the first time I've seen anybody confused by this. darlin........xx
Comment #18 Wednesday, April 30, 2008 10:39 PM
I'm confused that everybody's confused.
Comment #19 Thursday, May 1, 2008 8:25 AM
Thanks for making clear Imzadi!
Comment #20 Thursday, May 1, 2008 8:46 PM
I am using this skin right now and really think it is quite nice...thank you...but am I the only one who can't get the wallpaper? When I download the zip file and try to open it I get a message saying the file can't be opened... (

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