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Updated Aug 14, 2008 by butch123

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Comment #41 Sunday, August 17, 2008 10:21 AM
Calling members sons of bitches aint too classy... IMO 2 stars is generous... it appears you didnt make most the images in your skins.
Comment #42 Sunday, August 17, 2008 10:24 AM
is doing is the equivalent of spamming.Download whoring,comment whoring,flooding,call it what you IS what it is
What the hell are you talking about??!! You of all people have done and redone many of your skins and resubmitted them, some as many as 3 or 4 times! Does that make you a "download whore"? So what! Who cares! Sounds like your either jealous or have a personal thing with Butch...either way, grow up!
Butch didnt get under my skin by being a lame skinner,thats no crime...he did it by refusing to listen to anybody when they suggested a better course
Who died and left you or Styler skinning bosses; to expect anyone who doesn't take your advice to quit or move's attitudes like yours and other so-called Master skinners who will eventually ruin this Wincustomize program by discouraging other potential skinners! I know I'll think twice before renewing...this is becoming a very mean spirited website!!
Comment #43 Sunday, August 17, 2008 11:08 AM
vStyler So I see you are on one your trolling tour. You know for over 30 years I drove rigs and maybe this doesnt make me too classy and maybe I shouldnt call these people elitist SOB's. I should add some class to it. How about Elitist Pompous Asses? Sounds better to me cause thats what the elitists are. Oh BTW Vstyler sorry to see that everyone of your master skins are being pirated all over the place. Damn good thing that it doesnt get out hunh? Might hurt you in your pocket. BTW thanks for the constructive criticism....
Comment #44 Sunday, August 17, 2008 11:15 AM
No one is "trolling" you Butch... don't flatter yourself... just calling your 'work' out for what it is.. blatent ripping of anothers work. Just telling it like it is... If all you have for a defense is calling us names and advocating piracy of our work I feel sorry for you. Time to grow up, do some real work and stop leaning on others. Its weak and embarrassing.
Comment #45 Sunday, August 17, 2008 11:24 AM
You know it doesn't even matter what styler or whatever other guys name is say, as far as I'm concerned they are just other members on the site, nobody special. Not in my eyes. This whole Journeyman, master apprentice....... crap titles doesn't mean anything to me, but apparently because these guys have these titles, they thank there hot shit. The people that own this site obviously don't have problem with you, or your skins. Best advice I can give you is just ignore them, don't even respond to their pointless comments.
Comment #46 Sunday, August 17, 2008 11:25 AM
vStyler...did I say I am advocating piracy? I just said too bad that your stuff is being pirated and its a good thing that it doesnt get out. BTW if you are not trolling me then whats these comments about? And to borrow a phrase from the great W.C. Fields..." GO away kid, you bother me"!
Comment #47 Sunday, August 17, 2008 11:28 AM
good thing that it doesnt get out
Just did.. didn't it ....Against site rules I believe...... ----- Jester this has nothing to do with titles.. whatsoever.. disregard title, I could care less about it, I am a skinner.
Comment #48 Sunday, August 17, 2008 11:32 AM
vStyler I am 55 father and grandfather, So GO away kid, you bother me"!
Comment #49 Sunday, August 17, 2008 11:35 AM
U know butch, you are one nasty piece of work. Ive made the point I intended.. Your a rip artist.. u take care now.
Comment #50 Sunday, August 17, 2008 11:36 AM
vStyler good stuff, bye bye Sonny !
Comment #51 Sunday, August 17, 2008 11:39 AM
If anybody is a ripoff styler, your a good example, selling your work on the site, which took no money to make in the first place. Why in the world would you sell your work anyway, you aren't seriously trying to make a living off of this are you? I can understand artists that paint sell their work to earned money for supplies to make more art, so what, did you run out of pixels, do you got buy more? Your skins are no better than the free ones, and how did get a master title, your no better than anyone else on here, and its not complicated to build a skin, you can teach a monkey do it. So you wanna start some crap Styler and Brainiac, lets go, lets be a bunch of retards argue over the internet, you guys are hot shit behind a keyboard uh?
Comment #52 Sunday, August 17, 2008 11:46 AM
ok jester...ur right.. I'm the ripper.. �� hang out here.. im out...good luck to both of you. �
Comment #53 Sunday, August 17, 2008 12:42 PM
This is a great skin, It works well and it is not flashy but elegant.
Comment #54 Sunday, August 17, 2008 1:11 PM
I would suggest that EVERYONE keep things civil here. Any further attacks will be dealt with.
Comment #55 Sunday, August 17, 2008 2:03 PM
At first... this is a gorgeous skin, BUT it is the same as the first one, the filename is the same and in my Window-Blind-Configuration there is no 'Crystal 2', only 'Crystal'.. I don't understand this and sorry for my bad english, please.. *g*
Island Dog
Comment #56 Sunday, August 17, 2008 5:51 PM
The nonsense ends now. 

The comments section is not for an ego battle between skinners, and I'm really tired of it.  ANYONE on WinCustomize is free to upload their skins, if you don't like the skin, so be it, but keep the flaming and trolling remarks to yourselves regardless if you are the uploader or commenter.  On the same token, there is nothing wrong with skinners selling skins, so that nonsense can go as well.

Just a note:  If you upload a skin with the same name as another in your gallery, it's going to overwrite it.  The download link for this skin and the first one are the same.  If there is a significant difference with the "new" skin, then it needs to be corrected.

Any other flames or personal attacks will be met with a minimum 3 month uploading and posting ban.

Comment #57 Sunday, August 17, 2008 10:25 PM
Any other flames or personal attacks will be met with a minimum 3 month uploading and posting ban.

Darn...and I have so much fuel I could have added to this fire....sigh...
Comment #58 Monday, August 18, 2008 3:54 AM
Darn...and I have so much fuel I could have added to this fire....sigh...
� and you've been oh so quiet lately.....�howdy boss....
Comment #59 Monday, August 18, 2008 7:31 AM
nice work... thanks
Comment #60 Monday, August 18, 2008 7:33 AM
(Citizen) ssbommidala Thank you..

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