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Updated Sep 14, 2008 by TyrinGrey

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Bebi Bulma
Comment #81 Saturday, September 20, 2008 2:25 AM
Obama is an obamination! dont be fooled by left wing crap this guy is a friggin commie !!! just like the rest!! biden,pelosi,clintons...they dont give a crap about you being poor!!! my suggestion,if you want more,work more.

You do realize that over the past 80 or so years, that more jobs have been created under Democratic presidents than Republicans, right? And yes, giving huge tax breaks to RICH Americans and little to nothing for middle class Americans...those Republicans really care about their own.
Comment #82 Saturday, September 20, 2008 8:51 AM
Well, I see what Alpha means about the comments being left for skins here. This is really pitiful. Can't somebody post art on this site and have it criticized constructively on its own merits or lack thereof? Isn't that ostensibly one of the fundamental purposes of this site? The discussions about the relative merits of the two American presidential candidates and the abortion debate simply don't belong here. Over on forums.politicalmachine.com, people can and do feel free to go back and forth on these issues to their hearts' content. But this is a comment section for someone's submitted artwork, and it should be treated as such. If the subject matter were truly inappropriate, the moderators would have advised the creator of such and not posted it, so if you have some other issue you want to discuss go to politicalmachine.com and keep it there. I hate to say it, but I think the moderators should lock this comment thread until the posters on this site can grow up.
Comment #83 Saturday, September 20, 2008 8:55 AM
Hey guys, I'm gonna leave the skin as is for now...it really was a lark and not intended to create a commotion. I had no idea some of our community was so right-leaning, but to each his own. My mind is already on new skins. If someone with the skills wants to clean this up, or use it as a basis for a further skin, you have my complete blessing. As Bebi (somewhat harshly ) pointed out, the images are really not mine in the first place. That being said, I don't think they would care about free publicity at this point. Hey, do I get a prize for the worst rated skin with the most comments?
Bebi Bulma
Comment #84 Saturday, September 20, 2008 6:55 PM
Hey, do I get a prize for the worst rated skin with the most comments?

There have been worse.

Oh...I misread that...thought it said with the worst comments...but I guess both are kinda true.
Comment #85 Sunday, September 21, 2008 8:00 AM
Really nice attempt, but I agree window borders need some help....funny how no one complained about all the McCain ads that were popping up all over the Stardock site...it's AN ELECTION BABY, CAN YOU DIG IT!!! love to see more election themes from both sides!!....and for those RIGHT WINGED FACISTS WHO ARE AGAINST FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND ARTISTIC EXPRESSION, GO BACK TO RUSSIA OR CHINA WHERE YOU BELONG; THEY'D LOVED YOU THERE!!!Arrrg!
Comment #86 Sunday, September 21, 2008 9:03 PM
MyndBendyr, Was Right This is CRAP! Lose Obama and you might get 3 stars. PS A Muslims Shouldn�t be Our Next President!! PSS. Don�t make Political skins. It will just make people mad.
Comment #87 Monday, September 22, 2008 9:46 AM
MyndBendyr, Was Right This is CRAP! Lose Obama and you might get 3 stars. PS A Muslims Shouldn�t be Our Next President!! PSS. Don�t make Political skins. It will just make people mad.
Comment #88 Monday, September 22, 2008 11:36 AM
Some people have argued that a political skin doesn't belong on this site. However, I would argue that the skin itself is passive, just sitting there. If you don't like it, you can pass on it. However, the conversations above are active and kept alive by the individuals involved. That's what doesn't belong here. TyrinGrey, thank you for your endeavors. I have neither the knowledge nor the software to even begin to attempt something such as skinning. I rely on others to build the skins that I enjoy. Ignore, if you can, the "Negative Nancies" and keep working. So they don't like this one; blow them away with the next one. But whatever you do don't stop.
Comment #89 Tuesday, September 23, 2008 1:32 AM
Really, I'm all about expressing yourself through your work, and the only thing I'm afraid of is censorship, or the selective disallowal of any particular theme or imagery that someone happens to find offensive, but, that said, this is an absolutely horrible medium to be bringing that most loathsome of ordure, that superlatively overblown spectacle that is politics. Great, you like it, great, you were able to channel your creative energies into something you like (we all do that!); and I understand pride of ownership and I'll probably eventually end up uploading some weird fanboy stuff of my own, but come on, politics? I guess for me this is kind of tongue-in-cheek: sure, I hate it, I hate politics and my greatest desire is to get as far away from all the propagandizing from everyone involved in any party or faction. That's my opinion, it should mean absolutely zero to you. But just for the record, when I finally get my genitalia-themed suite perfected and some prude gets it yanked down on some TOS technicality, I will make it my mission to take you down with me :> That's what happens when you start controlling what's 'acceptable' and what's not when everyone is basically providing free content for the end-user alone to decide if they want; it would be ludicrous to say your political WB doesn't belong just because I'm sick of hearing about politics. And to reiterate, what's worse, if such an attempt at censorship were to gain popular support it would rub hard against the very grain of the service this site provides: alternatives, even alternatives for weirdos like me who will grin tears of joy watching the counters increase on a blind that would make an OB/GYN blush. In short, I hate your message but I love you for having the stones to use the medium to its fullest; this is a big canvas and there is more than enough room for everyone's contribution. In fact, the more people find it vile the better you ought to feel; at the very least you are promoting discussion and criticism, actual criticism in these forums, whether it starts as vapid polemics or starts with a tea party, the ball is at least rolling on content and eventually the criticism will spread out and help people make other people happier with the stuff they make.
Comment #90 Tuesday, September 23, 2008 4:03 PM
I agree, most do have artistic minds, but some are purely conservative and political issues are a tense subject these days. I will soon see a MCCain PIECE SOON. Now back to the piece. It is simple and plain, and not over the top LOOKS like a pure ad, so if thats what you wanted to go for good job. Looks okay to me...Definitely not over the top for sure.. Very safe. And for some that say politics doesn't belong. Why? We have religious wallpaers and skins, Cult , etc Even things that may effect some individuals. Thats why it is a public forum. We pick what we lie a critique what we don't Freedom of speech. America has so much freedom , i dont think som actually understand how much. Just for writing a comment like this in other countries, could have one arrested.... Should all pieces that someone may think doesn't belong be taken off, if thats the case we might not have any skins, wallpapers etc....
Comment #91 Wednesday, September 24, 2008 10:50 AM
Stardock will never have another penny from me.... This is not a political site.. There are many sites that promote this schitt....Why should we have to be bothered by it here?? Is Stardock now trying to allow political views to be advertised on their site?? We've been a supporter of Stardock since 2000.... Mostly because we enjoy the products..Partially because we don't have to see this kind of crap here... WAKE UP STARDOCK!!
Comment #92 Thursday, September 25, 2008 10:06 PM
IDIOTS! Its just a skin!
Comment #93 Thursday, September 25, 2008 10:10 PM
Stardock will never have another penny from me.... This is not a political site.. There are many sites that promote this schitt....Why should we have to be bothered by it here?? Is Stardock now trying to allow political views to be advertised on their site?? We've been a supporter of Stardock since 2000.... Mostly because we enjoy the products..Partially because we don't have to see this kind of crap here... WAKE UP STARDOCK!!
Sorry Magz396 it's not Stardock's fault that people keep opening their mouth without thinking...And no matter which president we end up with they'll BOTH SUCK!!!
Comment #94 Friday, September 26, 2008 4:31 PM
you should have made it completely reflective of who obama is. instead of the "circle flag" of the united states, you should have implemented a hammer and sickle. (oh, and i've been part of stardock for about three years and have NEVER left a comment on ANYONE'S page. i feel you deserved this, as i feel it is as close to slapping you in the face as i could get without the physicality.)
Comment #95 Friday, September 26, 2008 8:49 PM
Grayghost, Stardock has just lost a customer? Woooh. Somebody is going to lose lots of sleep over that. Maybe a Palin skin? Shades of green perhaps?
ekimragz, LOL, Luved your response. Gimme a break to the barfers! If ya don't like it, don't download it! But instead, some resort to the threats, insults and completely ignoring the great things and new ideas this skin might bring, how sad. I think the cruved skin looks great and ok, needs a little tweaking, so maybe this will be another added trait to skins and I thank you TyrinGrey, I think it's great, you should be very proud. Let the ones who have a problem and oh yeah, accidentally left their speech to text programs running ::rolling eyes:: barf themselves into a frenzy. ekimragz, if I could skin, I'd be doin' a pig with lipstick and silly glasses right now, but oh geez, that might be a little too offensive! Shar
Comment #96 Thursday, October 2, 2008 5:29 PM
Love it,
Comment #97 Tuesday, October 21, 2008 11:07 AM
I like it enough to use until the election, as I do support Obama. But, I do feel it might be a bit out of place here. Please do make more skins, of a less political nature perhaps. You show more promise than I did in my first attempt. And, considering the reactions here, I might not post it for fear of the barf! Sometimes it is okay to NOT comment if you don't like something people.
Comment #98 Saturday, September 25, 2010 2:14 PM

I appreciate themes based on special viewpoints and interests. The choice to download something is just that -- a choice. I object to the "Right to Life" theme, with its wallpaper of premature infants, but I still think Stardock is right to make it available. The last thing we need/want is censureship! I would think that Tea Partiers and Libertarians would agree.

Comment #99 Saturday, February 25, 2012 4:44 AM
The artwork with name Obama 08 can be made to look nice to hide a tricky Liar. Antichrist helpers like Obomb has let the Moslims know that America is up for the taking. Moslims are accepting the invitation to move in. At this moving in rate America in 20 years will be enough Moslims to vote in a more sick idiot President than the one we were tricked to have today to sicken our nation to death. Moslims has death planned for America and "In God we Trust has to go first. The Bible and prayers has to go from schools. Hate laws has to be made to silence the Christian Pastors. Strong America is slowly given to our sick enemies whose true love is blowing up flesh. I never thought I'd live to see the day America fall by bowing to their enemy. What a disgrace to all that were killed in the Twin Towers and their family's and our forefathers that our nation grew strong with "In God we Trust". To give it all away. The way I see it is since we have different Countries that hate America then let them stay in their own Country.
Comment #100 Friday, July 7, 2017 3:24 PM

 Obama desires no honor. Sad to see good talent spit on all those killed by Muslims which Obama is proud of his Muslim friends that spits like a King Cobra.

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