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Vista Ready


Updated Jul 24, 2009 by joe833broxton

Comment #1 Tuesday, July 21, 2009 7:58 PM
While i think your on a good way, I just think this needs more polishing. As it is, it looks very thrown together. Keep at it though.
Comment #2 Friday, July 24, 2009 11:15 PM
well joe833, I think you have yourself a winner here. The start menu is really nice. I like the little light show and was disappointed when I didn't see anymore animation, BUT!!!! When I hit the programs and I have this blind and all blinds set to blue, the menus and the blue bar over them was an A%% KICKER!!!! Great job !!!!!
Comment #3 Tuesday, July 28, 2009 4:53 AM
I think this is a very nice opinion light up start menu's are a must..this one is perfect.good job bro.
Pinecone Falling
Comment #4 Thursday, July 30, 2009 3:42 AM
I really love this skin. The only problem I'm having is when I click the programs button, the text is white on an off white background so it's really hard to read. Some other menues have the same problem. Can you tell me how to fix it. I'm running 64 bit Vista if that matters. P.S. Awesome skin tho. This could be my favorite if I can fix these problems. Thanks.
Pinecone Falling
Comment #5 Thursday, July 30, 2009 3:55 AM
Hello again. I was able to change the backgrounds to another color so now it works perfect. It is now, officially, my favorite skin. Thanks for all your hard work in making and sharing it. I can see how hard it is to make them.
Comment #6 Thursday, July 30, 2009 7:35 AM
I Dont Have Vista Yet So I cant Test it On Vista its probably opacity settings Or Alpha Channel settings I can only guess at thease for vista i am running on xp joe833broxton
Comment #7 Thursday, July 30, 2009 4:49 PM
It's not like I don't appreciate what goes into making a skin but I have to be honest with you because designing a better interface can be a daunting task. So with that said, thanks for sharing your skin and this is what I think of it: I like the overall "feel" and thank you for not forgetting to make the window a roll-up blind like so many authors do these days. Considering the Start menu is almost totally clear, it is inconsistent that the windows border is so solid black. I actually think you need to make the windows border more transparent and the start menu less transparent until they appear equal. The control buttons/roll overs for screen control have fine black borders that appear ragged and just don't look very sweet as a result. You need to smooth and blend those border lines better. I don't like the start menu button and I know it's that way because you like a double width task bar which I do not. You should fix it so it looks good on a normal width task bar. I don't like the window scroll bar. It isn't consistent with the style of the skin. There isn't anything about it that ties the style of it back to any other style like the start panel or window title bar. There is colour inconsistency as well. Clicking that start menu button that keeps changing colours makes you expect to see the same thing on the start panel. What actually happens is once the start panel comes up the start button stops animating and the the header on the start box starts animating instead. However, the real inconsistency is the that application and system windows remain coloured gold at all time. I would prefer to have the same colour button across the start menu and the title bars. Perhaps you could give us slow cycling colours or the choice of which solid colour we want to see. I would say the colour inconsistencies and the ragged black edges on the window control buttons are the two biggest reason I won't use the skin but I wanted to give you some genuine feedback in hopes you would appreciate that more than blowing smoke up the old wazoo.

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