BlackFox [XP]
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BlackFox [XP]

Updated Feb 04, 2010 by zigboom

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Comment #21 Friday, February 5, 2010 11:02 PM will not even load into Win7. I wish I could help ya but, I am just getting into skinning WB........I use to skin Winstep, so I am just learning.....SORRY! If ya find someone to help that would be awesome because I sure do want this skin !% stars from me too!!!!!!
Comment #22 Saturday, February 6, 2010 12:25 AM
It loaded fine for me, I'm on W7x64. I did a screenshot, and in the Notepad window is listed the problems for W7. It's really only in 2 areas that I can see. Pink in the scroll bars and in the arrows when you right-click, and square corners showing in sub-menus in start menu. Here's a screen shot, if you want me to check anything else out, just let me know.
Comment #23 Saturday, February 6, 2010 12:28 AM

When I view this in the old WC, you can scroll the image to see the whole thing, but in the WC beta, there's no scroll available.

Comment #24 Saturday, February 6, 2010 6:56 AM
thank you
Comment #25 Saturday, February 6, 2010 9:31 AM
Thank you very much karmat. That's really good to know, very small bugs, all about magic pink(exept the round corners problem) Could you please try the following modifications? - *In SkinStudio - Edit controls/ Combobox/ Read only/ Glyph - choose the image: Combo_Box_but_glyph1.tga /use per-pixel blending/ right align and see if it helps with the combobox pink. *In scrollbars - sizing grip, try choosing no image Anyway, I have some ideas how to fix it, if you like to help more, let me know and PM me with your email so I could send you a version that I'll tweak in this direction (I'll try to get rid of any "magic pink" that I can About the menu corners, it's a strange bug, I have it sometimes but not every time, really strange, try few times and see if it happens every time please. Thanks anyway, it's very nice of you to help, looks like it's not big deal to fix it to Win7 - let me know if I can send you a modified theme, I'll make a substyle so we could test it without effecting the XP section. Best regards.
Comment #26 Saturday, February 6, 2010 3:08 PM
I have it running on a Vista machine and am also getting flashing magic pink surrounding progress bars. However, I am overlooking that detail because I like the skin anyway. Nice work here.
Comment #27 Saturday, February 6, 2010 3:40 PM
Very nice skin, I like it alot. I use windows7 and looks great, A couple of things I would like to see tweaked is the minimize and maximize buttons lite up a brighter red when you mouse over and get rid of the pink on the scroll bar and in the bottom right corner and make it a nice rich red like on the power off button in the start menue. But realy a great blind over all. Your hard work shows.
Comment #28 Saturday, February 6, 2010 3:51 PM
Thanks a lot for the feedback. I'm working on a sub-style that should fix all the mentioned problems. It's actually quite ready, I think all problems should be fixed now. Anyone that likes to beta-test and give feedback, please PM me with his/hers email-address and I'll send it.
Comment #29 Saturday, February 6, 2010 5:50 PM
im just finishing off my new wb ,but when iv finished it i can do a win7/vista sub-styles for you if you wish,,�
Comment #30 Saturday, February 6, 2010 9:40 PM
Madcat21, thank you so much! I'm picking up the glove That's so great! I'm looking forward to hear from you. I sent PM to you with my email address so we can stay in touch and send some files.
Comment #31 Sunday, February 7, 2010 1:15 AM
Aye, but will it work with Vista or Win7? The reason I ask is I'm running Vista and the skin title is BlackFox XP. Gets me wonderin' ...
Comment #32 Sunday, February 7, 2010 10:45 AM
The Reaper Man, It'll work but not everything will be skinned properly, You can try it without worries. Proper Win7/Vista versions are coming soon, madcat21 generously offered to help so it'll be coming soon, as soon as he'll finish his current WB. I suggest to give it a try and get the feel of it, then change to the propper version as soon as it's ready.
Comment #33 Monday, February 8, 2010 4:25 PM
Hey zigboom, I did get it to load in was my WB causing the prob, but reinstalled it and all is fine except I also get the pink thing! Great work though...and I will wait for the updated version ! Keep up the good work.
Comment #34 Monday, February 8, 2010 5:35 PM
Thanks for the feedback IceBabee, good to hear!
Comment #35 Tuesday, February 9, 2010 12:10 PM
... great work Ziggy perfectly matching your Firefox theme ! "XP Forever !!" or at least "Long life to XP !!"
Comment #36 Tuesday, February 9, 2010 7:31 PM
Thanks frankell. I agree, long live XP!
Comment #37 Sunday, February 14, 2010 8:43 AM
I have the same pink issues on my Vista x64 machine. Also, lots of text is very light and unreadable. When I am on this webpage, I can read the comments fine but the text you wrote in your post where you uploaded the skin (i.e. "BlackFox is a dark theme with a touch of deep red. Designed to be focused, clean and easy on the eyes", etc.) is very light.
Comment #38 Sunday, February 14, 2010 10:32 AM
Hi philip1313 So far, the full compatibility is with XP, I'm waiting for some help with making the Vista/Win7 versions(I'm using only XP so I cannot do it by myself) So, the pink areas are the main problem so far. About the light text, I guess you're using Internet-Explorer. Try Firefox and my dark Wincustomize userstyle to solve the light text problem (works best with Or just wait for the Vista/Win7 version. I do my best to release it soon.
Comment #39 Thursday, February 18, 2010 11:06 AM
I agree with philp1313, hopefully with the updated version the light text will be fixed as well since some people do not use firefox, including myself. i prefer to use internet explorer however, this is a very nice blind, it would be a shame if i cant use it simply because of these minor issues.
Comment #40 Friday, February 19, 2010 7:33 AM


Ok guys, I see the problem, will do my best to find a fix. Could you please do me a favour and test if the light text problem is also existing on WinCustomize beta site? I'm assuming you're using Vista and IE-8, right?

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