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Windows 7 Ready


Updated Feb 07, 2011 by Vampothika

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Comment #1 Monday, February 7, 2011 9:05 PM

Its a personal choice some of us master skinners are making. we can still sell if we want to, some of us are just chosing not to.

Comment #2 Monday, February 7, 2011 9:23 PM

scharchuk I am sure we have all bought skins. What is wrong if they want to give a break and give away their fine work? I bought some that has been given away so what...enjoy the site and fine Master Skiners

Comment #3 Monday, February 7, 2011 9:37 PM

Cry me a bloody river. I paid for skins that are now free and you do not hear me complaining. The fact is most are worth double the price that was charged because of all the work involved. If someone decided to give their stuff away for free you should be happy that those less fortunate can now enjoy those skins. I cannot believe your serious. Used! give me a break.

Comment #4 Monday, February 7, 2011 9:42 PM

Very nice of you to free this one up, it is definitely one of your best works. People should not complain about having paid for it in the past. I freed up all the skins on my site that I had for sale and they are all here on WC now for free also. Not even one complaint from anyone.

Comment #5 Monday, February 7, 2011 9:47 PM

Thank you vamps, very nice of you. Great skin.

Comment #6 Monday, February 7, 2011 9:50 PM

Thank you Vampothika. I really appreciate your talent and everything you do for this community. I have a lot of respect for you. Thanks again.

Comment #7 Monday, February 7, 2011 9:51 PM

"I bet that your father never gave you a real hug or told you that he loved you? Your lack of human compassion is very telling. I feel sorry for pepole like you who were raised without any real love."

Yeah that is it, lol

By the way I almost forgot. Thank you for providing this for free Vampothika. It is really kind of you.

Comment #8 Monday, February 7, 2011 10:08 PM

Cry me a bloody river. I paid for skins that are now free and you do not hear me complaining. The fact is most are worth double the price that was charged because of all the work involved. If someone decided to give their stuff away for free you should be happy that those less fortunate can now enjoy those skins. I cannot believe your serious. Used! give me a break.

You are absolutely right! I would have loved to have been able to buy these while they were for sale but my disability check barely covers necessities. I'm thrilled to be able to enjoy at least some of these wonderful works that I couldn't otherwise.

And thank you Vampy for doing it!

Comment #9 Monday, February 7, 2011 10:12 PM

Good on ya Vamps!!!

Comment #10 Monday, February 7, 2011 10:14 PM

listen here scharchuk, if you want to whine about a skin being free, go bitch about it to a MOD,

keep your bs out of my comments thread. youve got some hide to bitch when you havent even uploaded one single skin to  contribute to this community.


I dont give a damn if you have issues with this skin being free, SO MOVE ON.

Comment #11 Monday, February 7, 2011 10:15 PM

and thanks for peoples comments, im glad this skin is bringing enjoyment to others....that was the main intention.

Comment #12 Monday, February 7, 2011 10:22 PM

I won't comment on those who complained.

I for one am exceedingly grateful. For a person without any 'appreciable' income being able to dress up my screen with these works of art is a godsend. I couldn't afford to pay for them as even that little bit is hard to come by at times. Vampothika ... you are a doll and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. And to the others who were so gracious a big for you.

BTW ...... I said I wouldn't comment on those who complained. Yeah right. Enjoy it now while you can because the oppurtunity may not come again.

Comment #13 Monday, February 7, 2011 10:46 PM

hello is this skin for xp? mandy77

Comment #14 Monday, February 7, 2011 10:48 PM

hi is this skin for xp?

Comment #15 Monday, February 7, 2011 11:05 PM

My disability check suplimented a little with every few months I get a GST rebate and a Poverty check which lets me buy a few luxuries as well since I don't smoke or drink.

Well good for you and I mean that with nothing but the best for you. Some people however only receive a disability check and you receive other income with which you are able to buy a few other things. I'm glad you are able to do that but many can't. So why be so bitter at any Master that has decided to not charge for their skins anymore. Did you ever think and I may be wrong but I would bet there are not many people that actually purchase skins compaired to the actual number of members. No Master has ever told me but I could guess again that with all the hard work it takes to make a skin that maybe some have decided they would like to see their work shared with many not just the few. So its time to calm down and accept what is being offered now. If it will calm you down PM me with your name and address and I will sent you a check for the cost you paid for the skin.

For the rest of the WC members I didn't mean to highjact the thread just hoping the rest of the post will be about how great this skin is and the thank you for sharing a Master skin.

Comment #16 Monday, February 7, 2011 11:53 PM

It's like I always told my 2 son's. Which by the way I raised COMPLETELY by myself! The easiest thing in life to be is a "VICTIM", it takes nothing special to be a vicitim anyone can be one! It's all up to you if you wanna be a victim or a "VICTOR"!! I choose to appreciate these as a free blessing over feeling like a "VICTIM" of whatever "Has Been"!! Thank you Vampothika, for doing what you didn't have to do!! I think it's awesome work!!! RAD

Comment #17 Tuesday, February 8, 2011 12:25 AM

yes mandy, its for xp, vista and windows 7. just apply the correct substyle.

There is nothing going on here Scharchuk, if you want to second guess my motives and mind, go nuts,

not even my psychiatrist can do that.

Ive noticed you've tried to flame bait replies in 2of3's master skins that are now free, but you didnt get a bite, but you will from me. as Ive said before, let it go, if you bought this skin? thanks, it was much appreciated, but that dosent mean you have the right to dictate my decisions about my work.

Its my skin, my artwork and my creation and imagination, i dont tell you what do with your life,

so dont tell me what to do with mine. period. Like I said before, if you have a complaint, take it up with a MOD, if you keep posting rubbish here, ill go to a mod myself and have it stopped... clear as mud?

Comment #18 Tuesday, February 8, 2011 1:28 AM

There'll be a few 'oddities' in the 'several' have been removed due to issues with TOS.

Comment #19 Tuesday, February 8, 2011 2:19 AM

There'll be a few 'oddities' in the 'several' have been removed due to issues with TOS.

Glad you stuck that in there, I was wondering if the ol' brain had finally melted 

Anyhoooo, good of you to set this free Vampothika.  I've had it for awhile and it's ok with me if more people will get to enjoy it now, it's certainly a nice skin!

Comment #20 Tuesday, February 8, 2011 2:42 AM

Thank you very much to you and the other Master Skinners that have given their master skins out for free. As another member posted disabiliity cheques dont allow me to buy many skins anymore.


Very nice skin BTW.


Thanks Again

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