Earthly View
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Earthly View

Updated Apr 18, 2019 by don5318

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Comment #21 Thursday, April 18, 2019 8:46 PM

Love the animated earth on start panel. Great job.

Thanks caardinalsyn_25. 

Comment #22 Friday, April 19, 2019 12:18 AM

Beautiful work on this one Don......when you gunna teach me animation? Love it and great work!

Comment #23 Friday, April 19, 2019 12:50 AM

Cheers Don, happy Easter. This is another really nice skin awesome job it's really smooth thanks for sharing

Comment #24 Friday, April 19, 2019 2:20 AM

Beautiful work on this one Don......when you gunna teach me animation? Love it and great work!

Thank you Vicki, I'll PM you.  

Comment #25 Friday, April 19, 2019 2:21 AM

Cheers Don, happy Easter. This is another really nice skin awesome job it's really smooth thanks for sharing

Thanks again Chris, and Happy Easter to you as well. 

Comment #26 Friday, April 19, 2019 3:30 AM

Hey Don is that a background image on the start menu any chance of a sub style without it? Just like decided to go with a completely different background very different from space but still keep the earth animation awesome skin love to have more choices

Comment #27 Friday, April 19, 2019 9:00 AM

Bonjour don

Encore merci ,pour ce skin , je vous remercie , pour le travail et la gratuité des skins , que vous faites.

thanks .Merci

Comment #28 Friday, April 19, 2019 9:18 AM

Scroll down and I can say SWEET also!

Comment #29 Friday, April 19, 2019 9:19 AM

The Start Menu, with the animated globe and the "earth from space" image is great.  Thanks!

Comment #30 Friday, April 19, 2019 10:33 AM

Bonjour don Encore merci ,pour ce skin , je vous remercie , pour le travail et la gratuité des skins , que vous faites. thanks .Merci

Vous êtes les bienvenus, et Merci. 


Comment #31 Friday, April 19, 2019 10:34 AM

Scroll down and I can say SWEET also!

Thanks Sed. 

The Start Menu, with the animated globe and the "earth from space" image is great.  Thanks!

Thanks Victechnical,

Comment #32 Friday, April 19, 2019 11:29 AM

I like the skin but why is my globe a severe oval?  I use Start 10. Try re-installing the skin, I'm running the latest version of Start10 (1.7) and it's fine on my end, also I"m running the latest Windows 10 version as well.


I reinstalled but no change.  If I reduce the number of Start 10 columns to 2 the globe is round.  At 5 it is elongated.

Comment #33 Friday, April 19, 2019 2:43 PM

I like the skin but why is my globe a severe oval?  I use Start 10. Try re-installing the skin, I'm running the latest version of Start10 (1.7) and it's fine on my end, also I"m running the latest Windows 10 version as well.   I reinstalled but no change.  If I reduce the number of Start 10 columns to 2 the globe is round.  At 5 it is elongated.

Yeah, I see what you're saying, I don't use that feature on my Win 10, I don't believe there's anything in SKS to change that, to accompadate the widening (adding coloms) of the start menu (using Start10). Unless there's someone who's been skinning longer than me, that does animations, then I'm open for suggestions.

Comment #34 Friday, April 19, 2019 7:02 PM

I like the skin but why is my globe a severe oval?  I use Start 10. Try re-installing the skin, I'm running the latest version of Start10 (1.7) and it's fine on my end, also I"m running the latest Windows 10 version as well.   I reinstalled but no change.  If I reduce the number of Start 10 columns to 2 the globe is round.  At 5 it is elongated. Yeah, I see what you're saying, I don't use that feature on my Win 10, I don't believe there's anything in SKS to change that, to accompadate the widening (adding coloms) of the start menu (using Start10). Unless there's someone who's been skinning longer than me, that does animations, then I'm open for suggestions.


What if you placed the earth in the right upper corner?  then it wouldn't stretch when adding columns.

Comment #35 Friday, April 19, 2019 8:53 PM

Very nice work Don!  Love the spinning globe.


Comment #36 Friday, April 19, 2019 11:17 PM

I like the skin but why is my globe a severe oval?  I use Start 10. Try re-installing the skin, I'm running the latest version of Start10 (1.7) and it's fine on my end, also I"m running the latest Windows 10 version as well.   I reinstalled but no change.  If I reduce the number of Start 10 columns to 2 the globe is round.  At 5 it is elongated. Yeah, I see what you're saying, I don't use that feature on my Win 10, I don't believe there's anything in SKS to change that, to accompadate the widening (adding coloms) of the start menu (using Start10). Unless there's someone who's been skinning longer than me, that does animations, then I'm open for suggestions.   What if you placed the earth in the right upper corner?  then it wouldn't stretch when adding columns.

well I probably could, that would be a re-design of the skin, not sure if I'd have the time to do that, as I have a lot on my plate right now. Besides skinning, we are in the process of remodeling out house, to get ready for sale, so that we can move to Texas to retire.

Comment #37 Friday, April 19, 2019 11:18 PM

Very nice work Don!  Love the spinning globe. Thanks.

Thanks Cliff. 

Comment #38 Sunday, April 21, 2019 10:52 AM

Love it, Don*! Thank You*!

Comment #39 Monday, April 22, 2019 2:30 AM

Love it, Don*! Thank You*!

you're welcome Joe. 

Comment #40 Tuesday, April 23, 2019 7:53 PM

I like the skin but why is my globe a severe oval?  I use Start 10. Try re-installing the skin, I'm running the latest version of Start10 (1.7) and it's fine on my end, also I"m running the latest Windows 10 version as well.   I reinstalled but no change.  If I reduce the number of Start 10 columns to 2 the globe is round.  At 5 it is elongated. Yeah, I see what you're saying, I don't use that feature on my Win 10, I don't believe there's anything in SKS to change that, to accompadate the widening (adding coloms) of the start menu (using Start10). Unless there's someone who's been skinning longer than me, that does animations, then I'm open for suggestions.   What if you placed the earth in the right upper corner?  then it wouldn't stretch when adding columns. well I probably could, that would be a re-design of the skin, not sure if I'd have the time to do that, as I have a lot on my plate right now. Besides skinning, we are in the process of remodeling out house, to get ready for sale, so that we can move to Texas to retire.


"Skin first, retire later" is my motto.  Of course since I don't skin it means I'll work until the day I croak.  

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