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File Size: .01MB
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Updated Jul 24, 2002 by PriJe

Comment #1 Wednesday, July 24, 2002 8:19 PM
before the screenshot loaded on my slow computer, I wasn't sure if i would like it as the file is so small. I thought it would be too plain.

after the screenshot loaded, i was impressed.,
Comment #2 Thursday, July 25, 2002 6:18 PM
Comment #3 Tuesday, August 13, 2002 7:46 PM
This is a really nice skin. It�s actually my favorite because I'm able to have it there all the time in the title bar without interfering with anything that I am doing on the computer.

I only have two minor complaints. First, the name of the artist does not scroll along with the name of the song. This, I feel, is a very traditional feature that should exist in this skin.

My other complaint is that when in "compact mode" the button on the left should not be "Open File". It would be better suited as "Play/Pause" so that one can easily pause the music if somebody calls on the phone or is trying to talk to you and then easily play it once ready to do so. Also, making the �Play� and �Pause� buttons into one button would reduce the size of the skin.

Other than that, this is a fabulous skin.
Comment #4 Wednesday, December 18, 2002 2:16 PM
this is a good skin, it hides vey well and it's out of the way. Nice blue to go with the blue XP theme.
Comment #5 Monday, January 19, 2004 4:47 PM
Great skin! I use this at work and it keeps everything out of the way. I agree with the other contructive critcism that is listed here with one more to add. When you expand the playlist down, I have my playlists titled "artitst - album" Because the palylist will not go any wider, I cannot see the name of the album on most of my playlists. Other then that, this is a wonderful skin!

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