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Updated Dec 24, 2003 by enigmaZ

Comment #1 Wednesday, December 24, 2003 12:12 PM
I must have a dirty mind. When i saw the name in the Newest Additions i was expecting to see - a condom
Comment #2 Wednesday, December 24, 2003 5:38 PM
Who is this guy commenting for the Skins Factory!? Either way, this isn't bad for a first attempt. It could use some work and is a little default looking, but overall, not bad. It doesn't need a color variety that much.
Comment #3 Wednesday, December 24, 2003 10:30 PM
I think you did some pretty good work here EnigmaZ. I hope you make some more skins. This ones pretty cool! The colour thing isnt really a big issue for me. I like this skin!
Comment #4 Thursday, December 25, 2003 12:35 AM
EnigmaZ: Not bad for a first attempt. I went looking for this tutorial site that was big way back when but i don't think they exist anymore ( BUT this guy here can show you some basics that might help give you some ideas on how to do some textures. That's if you use photoshop. Here's the link:

Reeses: you need to lighten up, it was a joke.
Comment #5 Friday, December 26, 2003 6:05 PM
Thanks All
Comment #6 Friday, December 26, 2003 6:25 PM
The Skins Factory,

BTW:One qwirk that I had with the skin is that I originally had a gradient overlay on the whole thing to make it look a little more "round," but I got rid of it because when the drawers slid in they didn't melt with the main skin right.

Anyway, Thanks everyone
Comment #7 Saturday, December 27, 2003 11:06 AM
best thing to do is go through our portfolio and find one of ours that has a texture that's similar to yours and see how we did it.
Comment #8 Thursday, January 1, 2004 4:35 PM
i think im gonna peuk
Comment #9 Wednesday, January 7, 2004 11:55 PM
gee, sorry

It's my first skin
Comment #10 Friday, January 9, 2004 6:45 AM
Dont let the negative comments get to you. I think it looks pretty good. Its not easy to do these things. I have noticed that some of the ones the love to slam on things, make some real crap themselves, so just inore them.

Keep working on things, its like everything else, there are tricks, and things that can make things work better, etc. The hard part is finding these tricks.
Comment #11 Friday, January 9, 2004 4:18 PM
Relient K is awesome!!!!!!
Comment #12 Saturday, January 10, 2004 5:50 PM
enigmaZ: The best way to learn is through example i think. Go through our portfolio and see how we have the drawers. We've done so many that there are a lot of ways and styles it can be done. The easier way i think is to have the end of the drawer be part of the frame and have it slide out when the drawer opens.
Comment #13 Friday, March 12, 2004 2:17 AM
Awsome sweet. this is probably the pest skin eva. and its all about forward motion LOL . just do ur best and that would be good enuff.

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