Copper Deck II for NextSTART 3
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Copper Deck II for NextSTART 3

Updated Oct 30, 2002 by VectorNut

Comment #1 Thursday, October 31, 2002 2:58 AM
Great port VectorNut ! Was waiting for this every day LOL Thanks for it
Comment #2 Thursday, October 31, 2002 8:32 AM
Nice port! I would have to admit this is one of Treetog's finest. The startbar buttons shouldn't be stretchable, though. I was thinking it was just the screenshot, so I downloaded it and messed around a bit. They really do look seriously out of place once they are stretched. For the pop-up menu header text, it overlaps onto the edged if the text is too long. I'd suggest using a smaller font, and making the menus resizeable horizontally instead of a fixed width of 240. That should give your fonts room to fit inside the appropriate space.
Comment #3 Thursday, October 31, 2002 10:59 AM
Chad, for the menus, I gave them a fixed width because Jorge hasn't (yet) implemented being able to tile the center portion of the title button while still having the ends of the button not tile. The vertical lines look really bad stretched (I tried it). Not sure what you mean with the StartBar buttons. As for the header text, I've asked Jorge to allow people to set a maximum text width, or to keep the text outside of the end tile areas, but so far he hasn't been willing to do that. I could use a smaller font, although with the height of the title bar, the smaller font looks pretty dinky. Thank you for the great suggestions, though.
Comment #4 Thursday, October 31, 2002 1:58 PM
Great work VN
Many thanks
Comment #5 Thursday, November 7, 2002 1:18 PM
How do you get the clock to work. I have nextstart but cant figure it out
Comment #6 Thursday, November 7, 2002 2:03 PM
The clock will only work if you have WorkShelf an enable the desktop clock.
Comment #7 Friday, November 15, 2002 11:21 PM
I love the port but am sticking with your original version. In the updated version I can't get the horizontal StartBar to be a single line like in the original. Have I missed something? Also the new recycler button does not integrate with the Startbar.I am running it 1280x1024.
Joe Pea
Comment #8 Tuesday, November 19, 2002 1:12 AM
OMG, CopperDeck is my favorite Desktop modification!! Keep it up! Have other color versions? that would rock!!! LOL
Comment #9 Tuesday, March 11, 2003 12:19 PM
I can't get my bar to change where and what do i do ?
Comment #10 Tuesday, March 18, 2003 3:45 PM
X-Thrasher, I'm not sure I understand your question. You need Winstep (NExtStart and Workshelf) for this skin.
blue red
Comment #11 Sunday, April 13, 2003 6:04 PM
I'm trying to have a menu like the one on the bottom of the screenshot (the menu with the icons).
I don't know how to get that...
Comment #12 Tuesday, August 24, 2004 11:50 PM
MichaelO: the startbar can be resized with your mouse to a single line. You're correct about the recycler button, I didn't make it to fit in the startbar.

X-Thrasher, you have to be running NextStart 3 with the startbar turned on.

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