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Updated Mar 19, 2008 by BoXXi

Comment #1 Wednesday, March 19, 2008 4:21 PM
Love the cursors, and this is a masterpiece! Thank you for doing something truly different, yet entirely livable. This is one of those skins which pushes the popular interface envelope. We are all very comfortable with the beautiful tech styles people often favor for computers, but as technology becomes more a central part of our lives and homes, I hope we will see more antique and other decorative and traditional themes emerge.
Comment #2 Wednesday, March 19, 2008 4:43 PM
Very different. Very nice.
Comment #3 Wednesday, March 19, 2008 4:53 PM
Great job...very elegant and functional.
Comment #4 Wednesday, March 19, 2008 6:59 PM
Thanks guys......�Meryse: I agree with you, I often use those tech styles you mention, but sometimes it's nice to have something a little more elegant and familiar. I always try to produce something a little different from the usual fare, and actually, your very kind comments have inspired me to try and make something even more intricate and more sophisticated next time. It's nice to know people will enjoy my stuff, thank you.
Comment #5 Wednesday, March 19, 2008 8:11 PM
Wonderful skin BoXXi a perfect match for your beautiful cursor. Now all we need is a wb to match...hint hint.�
Comment #6 Thursday, March 27, 2008 9:00 PM
I think Mick Hucknall is from Wigan like me �
Comment #7 Tuesday, April 15, 2008 4:20 AM
I dont use xion anymore... Your black boxx skin for wb with that matching skin for xion was what made me use it in the first place. and this one.....!!! I am just going to have download it now on my new pc. Thanks ALLOT! LOL
Comment #8 Thursday, May 22, 2008 8:23 PM
Great job!�

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