Sport chrome
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Sport chrome

Updated Jun 26, 2007 by Je$$e

Comment #1 Tuesday, June 26, 2007 2:04 PM
Hay NICE skin KID (assuming your a kid)...LOL I had to comment, cause I see around here that you only get comments if u are either 1) Paying Subscriber or 2) One of the people that have been here for ever! Either way, Nice work = I can see the progress in your Skinning, dont give up!
J. Aroche
Comment #2 Wednesday, June 27, 2007 3:35 PM
cause I see around here that you only get comments if u are either 1) Paying Subscriber or 2) One of the people that have been here for ever!

Oh come on man, that ain't truth, but going back to the are getting better! now some suggestions: your main background is a little chopy and because of that it's not very "smooth". Also, the shadow would be good if you didn't chop the image too much, cause you left the right side shadow cut off. Always watch out for this because I've seen you've had this problem on several skins.

The buttons are ok, only the "play_over" layer is moved a little to the right and that makes the button move from it's original position. Also, your progress bars are good, but since you're using 2 completely different graphics it looks kinda weird and they're not centered. And at last hehe below the track progress bar there are some numbers that I'm sure what they are, but many poeple don't and it would be cool to maybe put a name there to let us know what each thing is, or maybe just name it in the description if you like the way it looks.

That's all for me hehe, remember these are just my suggestions, skin for yourself and it looks like you're having a lot of fun skinning so keep making it fun!
Comment #3 Wednesday, June 27, 2007 3:56 PM
Oh come on man, that ain't truth, but going back to the are getting better! now some suggestions: your main background is a little chopy and because of that it's not very "smooth". Also, the shadow would be good if you didn't chop the image too much, cause you left the right side shadow cut off. Always watch out for this because I've seen you've had this problem on several skins.

The buttons are ok, only the "play_over" layer is moved a little to the right and that makes the button move from it's original position. Also, your progress bars are good, but since you're using 2 completely different graphics it looks kinda weird and they're not centered. And at last hehe below the track progress bar there are some numbers that I'm sure what they are, but many poeple don't and it would be cool to maybe put a name there to let us know what each thing is, or maybe just name it in the description if you like the way it looks.

That's all for me hehe, remember these are just my suggestions, skin for yourself and it looks like you're having a lot of fun skinning so keep making it fun!

Comment #4 Wednesday, June 27, 2007 5:11 PM
The only reason this guy left you a comment, was because he saw what I wrote and it gave him a GUILT COMPLEX! How do I know? Notice that he mentions "SEVERAL" skins. He's looked at all your skins but just now decides to comment! It's a COOL site, but it's just too bad theres NO support for newcommers, and these young kids who are trying their best to make a nice "competitive" design!!!
J. Aroche
Comment #5 Wednesday, June 27, 2007 11:29 PM
Jesse - I hope you find what I said useful.

Mudslung - First of all, I can't check all the skins, I don't have as much "free" time as you probably do, but if you check all the xion skins in this gallery, you'll probably see a comment from me. Maybe not on your because they just didn't caught my eye.

And don't exagerate, this had only 1 day in the gallery, you can't expect everyone's just waiting for a new skin to comment.

GUILT COMPLEX! How do I know? Notice that he mentions "SEVERAL" skins. He's looked at all your skins but just now decides to comment!

Come on! Guilt complex?? are you freaking kidding me? don't be ridiculous. It just pissed me off that you made such a dumb comment.

And yes I've seen many of his skins and I've commented too! go check his gallery, his cursors, icons, I don't remember on which skins I've comment before but since you have so much free time to be judging everyone, I think you can go check each skin.

but it's just too bad theres NO support for newcommers, and these young kids who are trying their best to make a nice "competitive" design!!!

Well I'm only 1 year older than him and what I said in my comment is what made me improve when I was a "newcommer".

Now I gotta go, I have some work to do, instead of arguing with you.

Jesse - I'm sorry for using your skin for this, but this guy just needs to grow up! (considering he is 43 years old )
Comment #6 Thursday, June 28, 2007 3:48 PM
Jesse - I'm sorry for using your skin for this, but this guy just needs to grow up! (considering he is 43 years old )

Comment #7 Saturday, June 30, 2007 2:00 AM
Hey Mudslung, what I see is you insulting a respected skinner..and a personal friend of mine.. who was trying to give constructive advice to a new skinner.

Chill man... no one is out to get anyone.�

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