Are there any female computer geeks out there?

It seems as if only men are interested in computers and games

Friday, September 1, 2006 by Life is a Game | Discussion: Personal Computing

A question that I often ask myself. I didn't seem to meet any female computer/games geek out there so I'm asking does she/them exist in the real world or only she/they are only a fantasy. For example when my coworker got a new computer (P4 2.4 Ghz, 1024 MB memory) I asked her if it's faster then the old one (P3 600 Mhz, 256 MB memory) she replied: "I didn't notice any difference". The second example is I just started with playing the new Heroes of Might and Magic V and when I asked another my friend what she thinks about it when she was watching me playing it she said: "Colors are nice". How about this example. Another coworker got an OS upgrade from win2000 to winXP and she didn't even notice that I upgraded her OS?!

OK I admit those examples are a 'bit' extreme but it made me thinking about females and computers. Is it that computers are made by male for male that there are a lot more male computer geeks out there or is it just that generally females are not that attracted by technology. Shouldn't someone make computers and games that would appeal more to female users.

Please if they are any female computer geeks out there reply to this article just that I will know that female computer geeks exist in the real world as well and not just in my fantasies. Also can you write what kind of computers and games do you like. Me for example like laptops with big screens 17"-20" and good speakers. The most I like playing turn-based strategies (Civilization and Heroes of Might & Magic) and Sci-Fi RPGs (Star Wars: Knights of Old Republic) and NBA Live series.

Comments much appreciated.
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Liz A
Reply #61 Saturday, September 9, 2006 9:05 PM
I'm 24 years old and I can say I love computers. I have a PC with an AMD Athlon 64 3000+,1024 MB, 256 MB Ati Raedon 9600 and 160 GB Hard Disk. Now I'm playing Heroes of Might and Magic V, my favorite games are Tron 2.0, Oblivion, Age of mythology, Unreal Tournament(All of them), Roller Coaster and Sims.
Reply #62 Saturday, September 9, 2006 10:35 PM
I'm 24 years old

But your profile says 22? Meh, women.
Reply #63 Saturday, September 9, 2006 10:56 PM
nevermind, lost it
Anastacia Warner
Reply #64 Sunday, September 10, 2006 9:05 PM
Yes. There are. And I'm one of them. I play all kinds of RPGs, I do graphics and I have this weird thing about computers and computer arts. I'm not really into MMORPG's though, I think they take over someone's life. I introduced my friends to MapleStory and they're addicted now. So that's kind of sad. But yeah. I have a Toshiba Satellite M50. I don't think they make the model anymore... It's 512Ram, 1.73GHz processor. 100GBs. I once had a ... I think it was a 17" flat screen monitor by Acer but I had to sell it.. so.
Fuzzy Logic
Reply #65 Monday, September 11, 2006 2:17 AM
A UT fan         
Reply #66 Monday, September 11, 2006 3:16 AM

Reply #67 Tuesday, September 12, 2006 6:24 AM
Yes, yes, yes! There ARE female geeks out here! I myself am currently surrounded by two computers, three printers, a digital camera (a Casio, I LOVE it!), and an assortment of routers, rollerball mice, sub-woofers (hate those tinny little things that come with the 'puter), and stacks of software jewel cases! I Beta tested Vista, (didn't like it, I'll stick with XP for a while), have upgraded to IE 7, I like the tabs, but the security cuts a lot out, IMHO. I have my eye on a new CPU mini-tower, 1024 Mg's of memory and a 250 gig hard drive. Can't remember the MHz right off hand. I only looked at it once, at Fry's Electronics, my home away from home. They have some cool new cases for those who build their own computer. I did one, sold it and bought ready made! LOL! Hey, and not only am I a female geek, I'm an OLDER female geek! 55, how odd is that?
Fuzzy Logic
Reply #68 Tuesday, September 12, 2006 8:07 AM
OK, so now we've established you ladies are geeks, the question remains, which one of you is going to do my ironing?
Reply #69 Tuesday, September 12, 2006 9:57 AM
I love computers but would not consider myself a geek, I do not have the inate understanding of how they work and everything I know came through trial and error...(crash) however, my friend who taught me much of what I know married a women who understands computers just as well as he, and in fact he is incredible. They are very happy. They do exist..... and I so admire them
Reply #70 Tuesday, September 12, 2006 11:38 AM

I think we need to set up KiloKrash and Bebi...

Bebi... I think you would qualify as my hubby's dream girl since you love sci fi, and anime. 

Bebi Bulma
Reply #71 Tuesday, September 12, 2006 7:55 PM
Reply #72 Tuesday, September 12, 2006 9:35 PM
I think we need to set up KiloKrash and Bebi.

Is this a new Stardock service jpkylegirl, is it part of Object Desktop 2007
Reply #73 Thursday, September 14, 2006 1:33 PM
Ok here's mine:
1: your coworker needs a total extreme brain makeover
2:your coworker knows how appealing is a dumb idiotic woman and plays with this
to look more attractive to pheromons
here comes plan 3: you are looking for females and awaiting answers and email addresses
but this is obviously not the case....

so...maybe you just need to realise that some people are stereotyped:men=technology,
women= fashion & lipsticks...growing up like that may leed you to behave consequently i guess
Reply #74 Thursday, September 14, 2006 2:19 PM
The niece I mentioned above has just been invited to the U.S. by a major magazine devoted to computer scrapbooking/graphics/clip art, etc. It's an all expenses paid trip that includes an excursion MS to share her some of her ideas/views, etc....not bad for a self-taught Aussie lass who never went beyond year 10 at high school, eh!

It's an opportunity of a lifetime, but she the problem of family commitments (2 kids and an orphaned cousin she cares for) and a husband who's often away for weeks on end with the Australian Army. Fingers crossed that she can satisfactorily reorganise things for the two weeks and overcome any obstacle to make the trip.
Island Dog
Reply #75 Thursday, September 14, 2006 2:59 PM
Sounds great. I hope she can work it out.

Reply #76 Friday, September 15, 2006 2:31 AM
Sounds great. I hope she can work it out.

Me too, Renea has had some success with Oz magazines/publishers, and one or two U.S. mags have featured a couple of her articles/works, but to actually make it big there in person would be the ultimate feather in her cap.

If I had just one fifth of her talent, knowledge and expertise, I'd proudly call myself the consumate PC geek....that's how highly I regard her computing abilities. When I was building my wife's computer and got stuck on something, Renea came to my rescue and was always able to help me resolve when I was unsure about connecting the leads from the front panel to the mobo. Renea talked me through it over the phone with consumate ease...trouble was, the consumate ease didn't translate to my end. With big clumsy hands/fingers and needing a new script for my glasses, the task took much longer than it should have (normally speaking), but not to worry, between us we got it right in the end.

And if Renea can work it out, I'm wondering if a dramatic weight loss would allow me to stow away in one of her suitcases....cos I'd dearly love to visit the U.S. of A myself.
Reply #77 Saturday, September 16, 2006 7:42 AM
Obviously female computer geeks exist. Gaming girls exist too. We seem to be rare, but they're out there. I'm one of them. Just graduated with a BA in game design and I love gadgets and technology. I like console games better than computer games, but that's just personal preference. Kotor rocked my world! I am also self taught, it's just a drive to want to know more.
Reply #78 Sunday, September 17, 2006 9:09 PM
Well if my Computer Progamming Class at universtiy is anything to go by then they do exist. Heck 90% of the class is female
Reply #79 Monday, September 18, 2006 9:20 AM
Orright, seeing as how we've established there are such creatures a female computer there such an animal as a male washing, ironing and cooking geek?

We now know Fuzzy logic isn't one, but how many of you are snag enough to admit yer does the dishes n' the laundry?

Okay, I'll start: I cook; clean; dust; do laundry; sewing; vaccuum cleaning and even get down on my knees to clean the toilet....however, I draw the line at knitting baby clothes for the grandkids.
Life is a Game
Reply #80 Monday, September 18, 2006 1:00 PM
Okay, I'll start: I cook; clean; dust; do laundry; sewing; vaccuum cleaning and even get down on my knees to clean the toilet....however, I draw the line at knitting baby clothes for the grandkids.

I do all the above as well... will see about knitting baby clothes when I get one

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