This Week in Skinning

A roundup of this weeks best skins!

Friday, November 10, 2006 by Island Dog | Discussion: OS Customization

One of the things I do on a daily basis is check out all the new skins people submit to Wincustomize.  I also check out countless other desktop customization sites and I am going to post some of the skins that have caught my eye in the past week or so.

Be sure to click the artist name and check out other creations they have submitted.


LightHelix (CP) for CursorXP
by Artur Berk

I'm still amazed at some of the just plain cool cursors that come from the galleries sometimes.  Now you can browse the CursorXP
library at Wincustomize and find things like Guitars, Lightsabers, and everything in between.  However, something
always catches my eye and this is it.

There are 3 different neon colors in this set, and the animation is smooth and easy to work with.



Fett in DX Themes
by mcackerson

It's Fett.  It's Star Wars themed, do I really need to say anymore?  Well probably not, but this is a great theme that is based on the great Windowblinds skin by MikeB314.



iTunes 7 in ObjectDock Icons
by Havell

I'm not a big fan of the icon that comes with iTunes, so I was glad to see Havell step up and create one.  Havell has a very impressive gallery of icons, so be sure to stop by his site and check out all his work.


MP3 Player Icons
by deleket

While we are on the subject of music I found this great set of some of the popular music players available.  The design is very well done, and he has some other packs in the same style.  Head over and check out his page for the others sets. 





Coastal Living in Wallpapers
by Kenwas

A beautiful render done in Vue 6 Infinite.  Kenwas has many wallpaper submissions that are just as great as this
one in his gallery at Wincustomize.




VXP for Windowblinds
by vStyler

VXP is a great, minimalist skin that is easy on the eyes, and very usable for everyday use.  Great job on this and I'm looking
forward to more submissions from you in the future.  Be sure to stop by the GUI Champs to see his other skin, Vectra RC2.




Well that's it for this week.  Please add any skins that you caught your eye this week, and don't forget to let me know what you think of these picks.  I thank all the artists for their hard work, and can't wait to see more contributions from them all.




Reply #1 Friday, November 10, 2006 9:43 AM
Great choices and a neat service.

I think it's pretty cool that you found and posted a skin from deviantart here. The skinning community is a lot smaller than it was a few years ago but it's neat to see there are other sites than WC still producing their own stuff.

Other than these skins, a news recap of any skin related stuff would be interesting. I read just the other day about a new widget engine being produced by Fox media that looked interesting. And QCD (what used to be my favorite media player) was just updated. Is anyone still skinning for that?

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